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Homeowners are said to be ripped off when it comes to fiber optic connections

Warning: with the blessing of the EU, subsidized connections should become a license for network operators!

As great as you are about the offers from telecommunications providers to install a fiber optic connection into your home at your own expense, the pitfalls hidden in the contracts are just as big.

The small print of the contracts states that telecommunications services that serve the public are included in the contract. It should hardly be possible to cancel or change provider. “Telecommunications services that serve the public” refers to high-speed digital networks and next-generation public telecommunications networks, i.e. exactly the future 5G version in the frequency spectrum >24 GHz….

Here you have to insist on a corresponding change to the contract before signing, otherwise you will have a 5G transmitter screwed onto your house!!

The operators should be granted extensive rights to install and operate additional telecommunications units, since these “serve the public” and the end customers' ownership rights to their own property are undermined, so that they have to tolerate the additional installations. In addition, the property owner here is on an uninsurable property Liability risk stays seated...

Im Newsletter   The club has dated September 19.09.2023, XNUMX healthy CONNECTED  reported on the current proposal for the regulation of the future gigabit infrastructure (GIA). The GIA regulation is being negotiated quietly and at high speed in Brussels and is expected to be passed before the end of the year.
The new EU directive is about the possibilities of how the expansion of VHC (Very High Capacity) gigabit networks can be advanced, especially for the future 5G version (>24 GHz). It's about how approval processes can be simplified to save time and costs.

It is also about how construction work on infrastructure such as traffic routes, lines, etc. can be better coordinated in order to minimize costs.

on measures to reduce the costs of deploying gigabit networks for electronic communications and repealing Directive 2014/61/EU (Gigabit Infrastructure Regulation)

Measures to reduce the costs of expanding gigabit networks for electronic communications

Here are the “sticking points” that lead to problems with property rights, health protection, data protection and the informal self-determination of citizens over their data:

p.14 Article 3 ff
Here, an access obligation is also legally regulated for physical infrastructure that is not part of the network in public buildings.

p. 20 ff
Here, the use of infrastructure and network components is regulated by several network operators in order to avoid unnecessary double installations. Access and installation in public spaces should be made easier.

P. 47 Article 9 ff, access to in-building physical infrastructure 
The operators should be able to access all network structures installed in private buildings. This would allow additional units (radio modules) to be installed and operated there.

Disputes over the granting or denial of access rights should be resolved by national arbitration bodies.


As welcome as the expansion of the fiber optic network is from a building biology and technical point of view (no electromagnetic emissions on the lines, low energy consumption, interference-resistant lines), one must sharply criticize the fact that the (un)responsible people in the EU, the national governments and the... Network operators want to expand the fiber optic network primarily as a “backbone” for mobile communications & 5G.

This new regulation would lead to even higher radiation emissions in many private households, in facilities such as daycare centers, schools, hospitals, retirement homes and also in public areas.

Instead of ensuring the protection of the fundamental rights to the integrity of the body, property and the environment, this regulation is intended “…the need to ensure an appropriate return on investment…” the operator (amendment proposal 20 p.20) is guaranteed!?!

There needs to be more information about the risks of mobile phone technology! Likewise about questionable practices among companies, authorities and legislators!

Please inform your neighbors, family, colleagues, friends, etc. about what you can get with a subsidized broadband connection.

Make a discount with the politicians in the municipalities, the regions, the federal and state governments and the EU!


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Written by George Vor

Since the topic of "damage caused by mobile communications" is officially hushed up, I would like to provide information about the risks of mobile data transmission using pulsed microwaves.
I would also like to explain the risks of uninhibited and unthinking digitization...
Please also visit the reference articles provided, new information is constantly being added there..."

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