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The arrogance of power as breeding ground for conspiracy theories

How long is this going to go on?

The colorful spectrum of people who protested against the restrictions during the pandemic was interpreted in such a way that “right-wing conspiracy theorists”, “Reich citizens”, “enemies of democracy”, “corona deniers” and the like are said to have been hanging around there.

But most of them were simply citizens who were concerned about the way the coercive measures were being enforced. Many want to preserve our democratic constitutional state and are very concerned that crisis situations will be used to install a totalitarian surveillance state like the one in China. Precisely that necessary protective measures are misused as control instruments, keyword "transparent citizen"



Many years of undesirable developments as the actual cause of the protests

We see that in the Corona crisis and the following crises, a lot of things came to light that were never true - things that have been brewing for a long time and are now starting to fly in our faces because of the tense situation.

Instead of looking for creative and sensible solutions, the official side is still trying to do "business as usual". Yes, no paradigm shift! – Otherwise sacred cows would have to be slaughtered…

Critics of this approach are accused of spreading confused facts, fake news, false claims, etc. to support wild conspiracy theories.


But you don't even have to try alternative media here. If you just take a look at the number of undesirable developments here, based on hard, irrefutable facts that can also be easily researched in the traditional media, you're surprised that more people aren't protesting .

In all areas one could and can observe that decisions were and are pushed through against the interests of the citizens, but in the interest of financially strong lobby groups. Whether in the area of ​​ecology, agriculture, social affairs, finance, health, digitization, communication, etc. - in case of doubt, profit interests prevail and the citizen has to take a back seat.

Ignorant politics as frustration accelerator

And what is politics doing to remedy this? Except for self-portrayal little! The ladies and gentlemen of the people's representatives are now so influenced by a lobby of industry representatives that one wonders who actually makes the decisions here. Despite knowing better, politicians continue to act as if nothing had happened and everything is fine, the interests of the lobbyists are not represented, rather than the interests of the citizens.

This forms the perfect breeding ground for conspiracy theories. - And the restrictions imposed by the Corona crisis have finally broke the camel's back for many concerned citizens.

Critical citizens who are concerned about the developments described, who ask critical questions and directly request remedial action from politicians, are fobbed off with empty phrases such as “we take your concerns very seriously”, “we have agreed on voluntary self-regulation with the industry”. , "Institute XY has confirmed to us on the basis of scientific studies that there is no damage below the legal limit values" etc.

And the decisions criticized are enforced by hook or by crook. The will
and the wishes of the citizens are ignored - the madness just goes on - what kind of world do we actually live in?

And the people who dare to criticize these conditions, possibly even demanding a rethink, who start to become uncomfortable, are pushed into certain corners in order to defame them as aluminum hat wearers, cranks, sectarians, populists, etc to be able to

And one wonders that conspiracy theories and obscure groups are getting more and more popular...

Why are the lambs silent? Fear generation as a technique of domination

Many people see how democratic rights have been restricted and worry whether this is right (eg disease control) or whether such opportunities are used to make it easier to muzzle critics. There is great concern that such restrictions will be cemented in place, heralding the end of our democracy.

instrumentalization of the administration

The administration, which is in close contact with the "citizens", is also used by interest groups to enforce these political decisions. An apt analysis of what function the federal offices, which are actually responsible for protecting the population, actually take on...

Role of federal agencies

Citizens under general suspicion

More and more instruments of control and surveillance are installed, one somehow feels reminded of the defunct GDR. Things like data retention (there could be something criminal on the phone or in e-mail traffic), biometric photos in ID cards (as the basis for automated face recognition) and now fingerprints are also to be stored in ID cards...

Crisis as an opportunity to really tackle grievances and thus dig the water out of conspiracy theories

EVERYONE is required to break new ground here, the old ways have led us to the current situation. And politicians are called upon to listen to the citizens (who ultimately voted for them) and not just to financially strong interest groups.

I don't want to preach hostility to the economy here, but one should be aware that an economy that sacrifices the basis of all economic activities, and these are things like an intact planet and healthy and productive people, for short-term profit interests, cannot survive for long.

We have to change a few things here, above all we have to stop overexploiting our livelihoods, otherwise the next pandemic, the next crisis is already inevitable...

Instead of defaming critics, people should be given the chance to contribute their ideas to real change. This would be real democracy!

Politicians must get out of their ivory tower (government district) and deal honestly and openly with the needs and fears of the people. A political mandate is not a license, but a mandate to look after the interests of the citizens. The interests of ALL citizens, not just those who can afford expensive lobbyists.

Politicians must say very clearly who was involved in which decisions and how. Politicians and parties must make it very clear where they get their money from. There must clearly be a new way of doing business and acting, with the participation of all citizens. 

Other models for government & business

 Inform yourself comprehensively - question - stay critical
 – use your mind – and listen to your heart!

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Written by George Vor

Since the topic of "damage caused by mobile communications" is officially hushed up, I would like to provide information about the risks of mobile data transmission using pulsed microwaves.
I would also like to explain the risks of uninhibited and unthinking digitization...
Please also visit the reference articles provided, new information is constantly being added there..."

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