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Gallup Institute locates value shift in Austria

Gallup Institute locates value shift in Austria

A population representative survey of the Austrian Gallup Institute shows new priorities due to the corona crisis:

70 percent name the Austrians Unemployment and health as the issues that became most important during the crisis. More than 50 percent see Regionality on the upswing and also implement this in their shopping behavior. “Conscious, moderate and sustainable consumption is the new guiding principle. Eight out of ten consumers intend to pay more attention to the regional origin of the products they buy. Sustainability and quality play a greater role for two thirds, whereas nine out of ten want to forego the purchase of prestige and luxury brands, ”says Andrea Fronaschütz, Managing Director of the Austrian Gallup Institute.

In Gallup surveys from 2009, both globalization and mobility were still topics of the future for comparison.

Currently are in the midfield with more than 30 percent the topics Border protection, energy supply, tax and educational reform, as well as climate protection, pension reform and the fight against crime.

According to the survey, the topics for the population are at the very end of the value scale Gender equality and equalitywho only ten percent attach increasing importance to the respondents.

Photo by Paul Gilmore on Unsplash


Written by Karin Bornett

Freelance journalist and blogger in the Community option. Technology-loving Labrador smoking with a passion for village idyll and a soft spot for urban culture.

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