The structural measure (11 / 21)

The Structural Measure Trailer

From September 7th in the cinema Since the inflammatory discussion about tightened border security in Europe, the Brenner ...

The Structural Measure Trailer

From September 7th in the cinema Since the inflammatory discussion about tightened border security in Europe, the Brenner ...


Documentation by director Nikolaus Geyrhalter about the refugee issue and the attitude of Austrians to it. “Geyrhalter is capturing what the threatened fence has triggered in the people of the region. The director takes a lot of time for long shots and for the opinions of various people who give information about their sensitivities in front of the camera in the best Tyrolean style - and thus create a fairly current picture of Austria ”, writes the Wiener Zeitung.

The documentary was awarded the Diagonale Documentary Film Award.

Written by Karin Bornett

Freelance journalist and blogger in the Community option. Technology-loving Labrador smoking with a passion for village idyll and a soft spot for urban culture.

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