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Children dream? Children's rights!

+++ International Children's Rights Day +++

What does a child need to live a good life? There is a clear answer to this question. Namely non-violent education, education, leisure and everything that protects, strengthens and participates. And another one: someone who looks to ensure that this right is respected, always and everywhere.

Our children are not small adults, they are very special people with their own needs, which we must protect, strengthen and contribute! The Convention on the Rights of the Child offers the international legal framework, we must help that they do not remain a dream for any child of this world!

The UN Children's Rights are not a dream

30 years ago the “best interests of the child” and their special needs were assessed very differently around the world. The great poverty in South India justified child labor and child marriages were socially acceptable. In the violent slums in Bolivia, children, as the weakest link in society, were not protected in any special way by the state. In Malawi, physically and mentally handicapped sons and daughters were seen as disgrace and had to be isolated from their environment. Meanwhile, in the western world, a more anti-authoritarian and child-focused attitude was pursued, which sought to achieve equal opportunities for girls and boys.


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Written by Kindernothilfe

Strengthen children. Protect children. Children participate.

Kinderothilfe Austria helps children in need worldwide and works for their rights. Our goal is achieved when they and their families live a dignified life. Support us!

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