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Brand Fashion as Fuel – Textile Destruction in Cambodia Revealed | Greenpeace Germany

Branded fashion as fuel – Textile destruction in Cambodia exposed

From the fairy tale of green #FastFashion - sustainable and fair textile production looks different! It is time for Europe to take responsibility. In order to stop harmful business practices, we finally need a strong EU supply chain law that sets mandatory human rights and environmental standards for companies that want to sell products on the European market.

From the fairy tale of green #FastFashion - sustainable and fair textile production looks different!

It is time for Europe to take responsibility. In order to stop harmful business practices, we finally need a strong EU supply chain law that sets mandatory human rights and environmental standards for companies that want to sell products on the European market. Chancellor Olaf Scholz must now campaign in Brussels for this – instead of watering down the draft! Dear Europe, yes EU can! Sign the petition now:

As revealed by Greenpeace research team Unearthed, leftovers and overproduction from the textile production of global brands are illegally burned in brick factories in Cambodia. 🔥👕 With branded clothing from Nike, Ralph Lauren or Michael Kors that go up in toxic smoke - including the paint, chemicals and plastic packaging.

Fashion has become disposable.🚮 Corporations declare their clothing to be sustainable, but in reality they are producing more and more cheap plastic clothing under increasingly poor conditions. The consequence? Products that are hardly or never worn end up in landfills and in our environment. Or, like here, burned.🔥

This practice is particularly dangerous for the workers at the brick kilns. Without any protective equipment, they breathe in toxic fumes and microplastic fibers that are produced when they are burned, as the clothing is often made of polyester and synthetic blends. People and the environment in the Global South pay for the profits of the global textile companies.

#YesEUcan #fairbylaw #FastFashion #ReUseRevolution

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Written by Option

Option is an idealistic, fully independent and global social media platform on sustainability and civil society, founded in 2014 by Helmut Melzer. Together we show positive alternatives in all areas and support meaningful innovations and forward-looking ideas - constructive-critical, optimistic, down to earth. The option community is dedicated exclusively to relevant news and documents the significant progress made by our society.

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