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Thank you for joining the movement to end fossil fuels | Greenpeace USA


Thank YOU for Joining the Movement to End Fossil Fuels

Founder of Fire Drill Fridays, Jane Fonda, was recently in New York City supporting Climate Week. In her words: “I was blown away by how many of you were in the streets demanding that elected leaders from around the globe take bold, immediate action on the climate crisis.”

Fire Drill Fridays founder Jane Fonda was recently in New York City to support Climate Week. In her words: “I was overwhelmed by how many of you took to the streets and demanded that elected leaders from around the world take bold and immediate action on the climate crisis.”

The climate movement is big, beautiful and diverse. Join Greenpeace USA and millions of people around the world as we continue to raise our voices and expand our power because we deserve a future.

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#janefonda #greenpeace #climatecrisis #climateemergency #climatejustice #MarchtoEndFossilFuels


Written by Option

Option is an idealistic, fully independent and global social media platform on sustainability and civil society, founded in 2014 by Helmut Melzer. Together we show positive alternatives in all areas and support meaningful innovations and forward-looking ideas - constructive-critical, optimistic, down to earth. The option community is dedicated exclusively to relevant news and documents the significant progress made by our society.

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