
Sustainable living and housing: Tips for consciously designing your home

At a time when sustainability and environmental protection are becoming increasingly important, it is crucial to make conscious decisions in your own home. From furnishings to energy supply to waste disposal, there are many ways to practice sustainable living.

Sustainable furnishings: value quality and longevity

The furnishings of our home play an important role in our well-being and our lifestyle. When buying new furniture, it is advisable to pay attention to quality and durability. High-quality furniture not only lasts longer, but is often also manufactured more sustainably. Second-hand furniture is another good option to conserve resources and avoid waste. It's worth supporting local second-hand shops or using online platforms for used furniture.

The furniture industry is one of the largest consumers of resources in the world. Millions of tons of wood, metal, plastic and other materials are used to make furniture every year. By choosing sustainable materials and manufacturing processes, resource consumption can be reduced.

Energy efficiency: conserve resources and save costs

Around 40% of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in Europe come from the building sector, with a significant proportion coming from housing. Improving energy efficiency in homes can reduce both energy consumption and CO2 emissions.

Reducing energy consumption is therefore an important step in reducing environmental impact while saving costs. Energy-saving appliances, LED lights and efficient thermal insulation can help reduce energy consumption in the home. Using renewable energies such as solar or wind energy is also a sustainable way to cover your own energy needs while helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Sustainable disposal: waste separation and recycling

The proper disposal of waste is an important aspect of sustainable living. By consistently separating waste and recycling recyclable materials, we can reduce waste and conserve valuable resources. There are local recycling guidelines and many recycling options for paper, glass, plastic and other materials. In addition, it is important to consume consciously and avoid unnecessary packaging in order to avoid waste in the first place.

In Germany, each resident produces on average around 455 kilograms of waste per year. This corresponds to a total amount of waste of more than 37 million tons annually. The recycling rate in Germany is currently around 67%. This means that about a third of the waste is recycled, while the rest ends up in landfills or is incinerated.

Statutory notice period: Living with security

An important, but often overlooked, component of sustainable living is knowledge of the legal framework, especially when it comes to tenancies. The knowledge of the statutory notice period for an apartment can help to plan a living situation safely and for the long term. It is important to know the rights and obligations as a tenant or landlord and to ensure that the tenancy agreement is legally compliant. Relocations, renovations and new furniture not only cause costs. The environment is also heavily polluted every time. Anyone who lives in one place for a long time significantly minimizes their own CO2 footprint.

Home sharing for the environment: Sustainable living through shared use

Home sharing, an innovative form of living in which people share their living spaces, not only offers social and economic benefits, but also makes a significant contribution to environmental protection. By sharing living space, resources can be used more efficiently. In many cases, apartments that are used for home sharing are already furnished and have an existing infrastructure. Home sharing often promotes an urban lifestyle where residents live closer to jobs, shops and public transport. This can lead to a reduction in private transport and thus reduce CO2 emissions from road traffic.

Photo / Video: Photo by Svitlana on Unsplash.

Written by Option

Option is an idealistic, fully independent and global social media platform on sustainability and civil society, founded in 2014 by Helmut Melzer. Together we show positive alternatives in all areas and support meaningful innovations and forward-looking ideas - constructive-critical, optimistic, down to earth. The option community is dedicated exclusively to relevant news and documents the significant progress made by our society.

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