
Out of balance - Column by Gery Seidl

Gery Seidl

"Foxconn is building $ 5 billion in India because it's cheaper to produce than China." A headline. Good. And further? How did Bayern Munich play?

No! I am writing on an Apple. Next to me is my iPhone 6 and next to it my wife's. So I am part of the game. They build a work for me. But that's not necessary. I already have everything.

I think about what I associate with Foxconn and suicidal. Employees rush out the window because the working conditions are so inhuman. Not only, not pleasant to humans, but inhumane. Where they make ME so pleasant. Everything syncs automatically. My management can add my appointments to my calendar and my technician can read them. Enjoyable. Thank you very much.

"Because man constantly wants to go higher-up-faster, and thus always more doggedly sawing on the branch on which he sits."


Why does not man manage to make everyone feel good? I know, the thought is naive, but as long as no one can give me a conclusive answer that is also humanly acceptable, so long is my question legitimate. It says, "Demand drives the market. We need growth for the economy to live ... "Because humans constantly want to go higher-up-faster, and thus they are always digging more and more profoundly on the branch on which they themselves are sitting.

Do we really believe that it is smart to drive local farmers in Paraguay with flame-throwers from their fields to grow GM soy that we give to our cows to feed not four, but 40 liters of milk a day? This is not 20 years, but only a maximum of five. That should be smart? No! That is economic thinking. The pepper from Israel can only be cheaper, because we promote its transport, otherwise it would cost 60 Euro. Why do you do that? Because it is good?

"If the economy is doing well, we are all fine." A slogan of the WKO, which seems more than questionable to me. Perhaps the WKO should once define what they mean by "good". Do you mean the little Greissler, who can offer regional products from organic farmers at fair prices in his shop or do you mean secret negotiations with Monsanto, who want to acquire the patent for drinking water? What they still want is far beyond the scope of this article.

Which economy are we talking about? Incidentally, I am not shocked by the request of Monsanto. Megalomaniacs have had enough in human history. I am shocked by the delegates from the economy who are participating in these negotiations and the democratically elected government is covering up. That hangs my common sense. This prunes everything I've learned about humanity, justice, charity, fairness, and other obvious foreign words. There is something out of balance!

"You can not play the king. The king is played by the others. If you do not bow to your throne, you are not a king. "

My acting teacher once asked us, "How to play a king?" Replied: "Not at all. You can not play the king. The king is played by the others. If you do not bow before your throne, you are not a king. "So I wonder why we keep breeding kings in our democracy? Why do the "peers" in our system spit us over and over again? They effortlessly override laws that they might even stumble upon themselves. Those for whom the presumption of innocence always applies. Was not it once meant to serve the people? Excuse me, my blue-eyed nature has once again distracted me from economic considerations.

Our company is driven by Nasdag. From the ATX. From the Dax. Who is the DAX? The friend of the marten who eats my cables in the car? We are driven by forecasts, statistics, facts and figures. We work according to pre-structured processes under given hours. Everything is measurable. My iphone tells me when I phoned how long with whom. How long does it take me from A to B? I have call credits and data volume that I can use. Listed and debited at the end of the month.

But one man has not made it yet. We still can not measure our luck. It is not measurable how a mother feels when her child first runs into her arms. Or do you know a table in which I find: "kid in the arms - 217 luck"? No, that does not exist.
A sunset on the mountain top with the right man next to you. A working day in the right company. A soft egg from the happy chicken. A thank you from the neighbor when you carried her bag to the second floor. Beethoven's ninth. Endless you can continue this list.

When there are no people left. Those who have to flee their homeland, because again a religion begins to persecute dissidents and, if necessary, to kill or rages a government away from human rights. If every human being is allowed to do what he is destined to live for, then we are on the right track.
If we find THESE values ​​again, nothing can happen to us. We will again learn to ask the right questions and not rest until we get a conclusive answer. Our society comes back into balance. I close my Mac Air and say softly, "Please. Thank you."

Photo / Video: Gary Milano.

Written by Gery Seidl

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