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I-EU iveze isu elithi "Ipulazi Nokuthi Imfoloko"

I-EU Commission ishicilele amasu ayo kwezolimo nokukhiqiza ukudla ("I-Farm to Fork") kanye nokuvikela ukuhlukahluka kwemvelo njengengxenye yohlelo lokuqina lweNew Green Deal:

I-EU ububanzi Okuqukethwe kwe-organic kufanele-ke kube kuze kube ngu-2030 sisuka kumaphesenti angama-7,7 saya kumaphesenti angama-25 babe futhi phakathi kwezinye izinto ukunciphisa ukusetshenziswa kwamakhemikhali Imithi yokubulala izinambuzane ngesigamu zingatholakala. Ngasikhathi sinye, kumele kuthathwe izinyathelo zokuqinisa ukuthengiswa kwemikhiqizo yezinto eziphilayo.https: //! Np83gm

Usihlalo weBio AUSTRIA nomlimi wezolimo uGertraud Grabmann uyajabula: “Iqiniso lokuthi i-EU Commission isungula imigomo ethile yengxenye yezolimo okokuqala ngqa futhi ngasikhathi sinye ifuna ukusebenzisa izindlela zokuthuthukisa izimakethe kuwuphawu oluhle lokuguqulwa kwezolimo lube munye. ukuqina kwendalo kanye nomnotho. "

I-EU Farm to Fork Strategy

I-EU Ipulazi ukuba Fork isu ukudla esimeme kuyinto iBombela European Green Deal. Ukudla kwase-Europe kudume ngokuba kuphephile, okunempilo futhi okuseqophelweni eliphezulu. Manje kufanele futhi kube indinganiso yomhlaba wonke yokuqina. Imininingwane engaphezulu: Royalty Free Music from Bensound "

I-EU Farm to Fork Strategy

Isu le-EU Farm to Fork lokudla okusimeme liyingxenye ebalulekile ye-European Green Deal. Ukudla kwase-Europe kudume ngokuba kuphephile, okunempilo futhi okuseqophelweni eliphezulu. Manje kufanele futhi kube indinganiso yomhlaba wonke yokuqina. Imininingwane engaphezulu: Royalty Free Music from Bensound ”

Isithombe ngu UGeorge Huffman on Unsplash


Ibhalwe ngu UKarin Bornett

Intatheli ye-Freelance kanye ne-blogger ekukhetheni komphakathi. I-Labrador ethanda ezobuchwepheshe ngentshiseko ye-idyll yedolobhana nendawo ethambile yesiko ledolobha.

Shiya amazwana