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The truth about electric vehicles 🤔 | Greenpeace Australia


The Truth About Electric Vehicles 🤔

It can be tough to separate fact from fiction when it comes to electric vehicles. 🤔 Especially when Big Oil is busy spreading disinformation to confuse and mislead. That's why we're here to help! Our new video series on EV disinformation will cut through the confusion and give you the truth about electric cars.

When it comes to electric vehicles, it can be difficult to separate fact from fiction. 🤔 Especially when Big Oil is busy spreading disinformation to confuse and mislead. That's why we're here to help!

Our new video series on EV disinformation will break the confusion and tell you the truth about EVs. From range anxiety to battery life, you've come to the right place! Watch the full series here:

Polluting cars harm our health, our cities and our climate. We need a big solution: affordable electric transport. Go to to find out how we are committed to moving Australia from oil and gas to safer, cleaner and cheaper transport for all Australians.

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Written by Option

Option is an idealistic, fully independent and global social media platform on sustainability and civil society, founded in 2014 by Helmut Melzer. Together we show positive alternatives in all areas and support meaningful innovations and forward-looking ideas - constructive-critical, optimistic, down to earth. The option community is dedicated exclusively to relevant news and documents the significant progress made by our society.

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