Shampoo without plastic packaging (5 / 22)

Introducing Nohbo Drops

Introducing Nohbo Drops, the world's first single use, water soluble drop for shampoos, conditioners, body wash, or shaving creams. Check us out at

Introducing Nohbo Drops

Introducing Nohbo Drops, the world's first single use, water soluble drop for shampoos, conditioners, body wash, or shaving creams. Check us out at

Nohbo Drops are capsules filled with shampoo. Their shell dissolves in contact with water in seconds and comes out completely without plastic. Invented the practical drop Benjamin Stern. At the age of 14, he presented his idea on a TV show, the US equivalent of the "Cave of the Lions," and landed an investor there. Nohbo Drops are now ready for the market and, according to the inventor, a sustainable alternative to plastic shampoo bottles.

Written by Karin Bornett

Freelance journalist and blogger in the Community option. Technology-loving Labrador smoking with a passion for village idyll and a soft spot for urban culture.

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