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Illegal fires in Brazilian Amazon hit highest number since 2010 | Greenpeace int.

Despite an official fire ban by the federal government, the number of fires fell in August Present in several = 18% higher than last year.

MANAUS, Brazil — According to data from the Brazilian National Space and Research Institute (INPE), 33.116 fires were recorded in the Amazon in August. Despite one Government decree Currently banning fires in the Amazon, the forest is being burned at the highest level in 12 years, showing that the forest protection measure has been ineffective. The fires are not only threatening the biodiversity of the Amazon, but are also filling cities in the region with smoke, endangering the health of the local population.

"I've been watching these fires for over 10 years and I've never seen such massive destruction with so much smoke," said Rômulo Batista, spokesman for Greenpeace Brazil 11.000 soccer fields. This is the largest deforested area in the past year.”

From January to August this year, there was a 16,7% increase in fire hotspots in the Amazon compared to 2021 – the highest rate since 2019. Of all these fires, 43% were identified in just 10 communities, five of which are in the Amazon southern region of the Amazon known as AMACRO, where agribusiness is opening a new, accelerating front of deforestation. 13,8% of the fires were recorded in protected areas, 5,9% in indigenous lands and 25% on public lands, indicating progress in land grabbing in the region.

“Rather than focusing on stopping the destruction of the Amazon to protect people and climate and fight environmental crimes, the Brazilian government and Congress continue to push for more bills that will further accelerate deforestation and another invasion of public lands and enable violence in the field. Brazil doesn't need further destruction of the Amazon, our country needs policies that promote real progress in fighting deforestation, fires and land grabs and protect the lives of indigenous peoples and traditional communities," said Rômulo Batista.


Photos: Greenpeace

Written by Option

Option is an idealistic, fully independent and global social media platform on sustainability and civil society, founded in 2014 by Helmut Melzer. Together we show positive alternatives in all areas and support meaningful innovations and forward-looking ideas - constructive-critical, optimistic, down to earth. The option community is dedicated exclusively to relevant news and documents the significant progress made by our society.

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