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Insight into a research project: How the wireworm threatens our potatoes Global 2000

Insight into a research project: How the wireworm threatens our potatoes

The GLOBAL 2000 Wireworm Project One pest keeps popping up in Austrian agriculture: the wireworm. He's ruining the potato crop ...

The GLOBAL 2000 wireworm project

A pest appears again and again in Austrian agriculture: the wireworm. It ruins the potatoes harvested by local farmers and makes life difficult for them. The apparently only way out: toxic pesticides.

As the leading Austrian environmental protection organization, we are actively looking for ways to combat the wireworm in a sustainable manner. That is why GLOBAL 2000 founded ARGE Drahtwurm in 2016.

The effectiveness of direct control methods such as milling and an insect pathogenic fungus (metarhitic brunneum) is tested in several test fields.

More information about the project is available at:

The project is supported by the federal government, the states and the European Union:
Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism
LE 14-20 Development for rural areas
European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development



Written by Option

Option is an idealistic, fully independent and global social media platform on sustainability and civil society, founded in 2014 by Helmut Melzer. Together we show positive alternatives in all areas and support meaningful innovations and forward-looking ideas - constructive-critical, optimistic, down to earth. The option community is dedicated exclusively to relevant news and documents the significant progress made by our society.

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