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URBAN MENUS Educational: Dialogue with a Resilient Future

“URBAN MENUS Educational”: Digital test training for resilient urban development starts fall 2024

Under the title “Dialogue with a Resilient Future”, urban developers can acquire contemporary skills in participative and sustainable urban and regional development, utilizing virtual and augmented reality.

Urban and regional landscapes are changing at a fast pace, making appropriate adaptation through skilled professionals increasingly important. The educational project “URBAN MENUS Educational: Dialogue with a Resilient Future” addresses this need by providing specialized training. It introduces advanced digital tools for data processing and visualization to identify current developmental risk zones and outline future improvement visions. Participatory, impact-oriented methods are used to harness the diversity of stakeholders and collaboratively design safe and sustainable environments. The target group are stakeholders in public development & urban planning, decision-makers and staff in area development and larger real estate projects, and all professionals with a resilience focus—from Europe and beyond.

Registration is now open – free training for resilient and participative urban development

A row of test trainings is expected to begin on September 25, 2024. The trainings will be conducted primarily online, with live sessions in October in Vienna, Barcelona, Brussels, and Milan. Participation is free; course participants have open access to materials and tools. A preview of e-learning focused on data and impact assessment with Green Deal references is provided, along with insights into practical and participatory training using smart development VR/AR tools—URBAN MENUS educational, a digital training tool for scenario building and impact calculation (environmental, social and economic), including VR tours of best-case scenarios and innovation Cards with AR extension to inspire sustainable development measures. The program includes an initial generic city quarter case—likely Messina in Sicily from Italy, discussed within the frame of a VR tour. Participants will get to know the „Dialogue with a Resilient Future“ participative consensus-finding method and gain inspiration for their own cases during this immersive experience. Additional workshops will be held in January and June 2025, focusing on urban periphery and inner-city cases. Register as soon as possible under!

Potential of interdisciplinarity and multilateral cooperation to create the best future for all

A European consortium with members from Austria, Belgium, Italy, Spain, and an associated partner from Ukraine are responsible for the training.  They bring expertise in holistic and innovative spatial and real estate development, impact assessment, digitization, research, and education. The Project manager is holistic architect Laura P. Spinadel of BUSarchitektur in Vienna, known for flagship projects in the area of cities of short distances like Compact City and Campus WU Vienna. She collaborates with the Austrian sustainability and digitization R&D company akaryon GmbH. The team also includes LCI Barcelona, International School of Design and Visual Arts; Global Governance Institute ASBL from Brussels; Il Punto Real Estate Advisor Srl from Milan and changemaker Alissa Ban’kovska, founder and CEO of SYNCHRO SPACE, a hub for city innovations in Ukraine. The offer is part of an ERASMUS+ vocational training project. Completing the training provides the opportunity to earn the “URBAN MENUS Diploma in Resilient City Development.” For more details, visit:

Dr. Mag. Arch. Arq. Laura P. Spinadel                                            
For information on previous project work visit or request material.

Co-Funded by the European Union.

Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Project number 2023-1-AT01-KA220-VET-000159829


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Geschrieben von Laura P. Spinadel

Laura P. Spinadel (1958 Buenos Aires, Argentina) ist eine Austro-argentinische Architektin, Urban Designerin, Theoretikerin, Lehrerein und Gründerin von BUSarchitektur & BOA büro für offensive aleatorik in Wien. In internationalen Fachkreisen als Pionierin der ganzheitlichen Architektur durch die Compact City und den Campus WU bekannt. Ehrendoktor der Transakademie der Nationen, Parlament der Menschheit. Gegenwärtig arbeitet sie an der partizipativ und wirkungsorientierten Zukunftsplanung durch Urban Menus einem interaktiven Gesellschaftsspiel, um unsere Städte in 3D mit einem einvernehmlichen Ansatz zu gestalten.
2015 Preis der Stadt Wien für Architektur
1989 Förderungspreis für experimentelle Tendenzen in der Architektur des BMUK

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