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No to Mercosur - support climate change requests - with video

No to Mercosur - support climate change requests

I say no to the EU Merkel Suddel, it cannot be that we are going to sign another agreement where the rainforest will be cut down even more afterwards and the climate crisis will be fueled just so that we have cheap meat and the auto industry can export to South America. That's why I now sign the climate referendum.

The German Council Presidency (1 July - 31 December) is just around the corner and the Mercosur agreement is to be pushed ahead in this context, although there was a big storm of protests against this climate killer agreement last year and we temporarily stopped the agreement .

Attac activist Mario explains why he rejects the agreement and signs the climate change request. Do it too and sign the climate change request! #NoMercosur #climatic people's request


Written by attac

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