Commitment (3/9)

Civil society, we all are! We should and must have a say, at all levels: Exercise your right to vote whenever possible. Shows alternatives at school, university or in the company if something should be changed. Talk to your families, children and friends about a constructive and positive way of life. In your daily shopping, think about the conditions under which the products were manufactured and, above all, whether it is really necessary to consume them. Because every person can make the world a little better according to their possibilities. No matter to what extent and on what occasion - just doing nothing is not an option.

Hartwig Kirner, Fairtrade Austria

Written by Helmut Melzer

As a long-time journalist, I asked myself what would actually make sense from a journalistic point of view. You can see my answer here: Option. Showing alternatives in an idealistic way - for positive developments in our society.

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