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FAIRTRADE: Active against the climate crisis

๐ŸŒ The climate of the earth is changing and there is an urgent need for action. Unpredictable and severe weather events devastate cities, decimate crops and destroy lives and livelihoods, and global supply chains are increasingly threatened.

๐ŸŒ€ The destructive power of nature can be enormous, as you can see in the picture here: Devastation after a hurricane in Honduras is shown.

๐Ÿ“ฃ For over 30 years, FAIRTRADE has been ensuring more social justice through trade. But without climate justice there can be no social justice. That is why FAIRTRADE is also committed to measures against climate change. Our new global climate strategy and action plan for the upcoming climate summit, COP27, calls for greater engagement with smallholder families and workers and building a path to a more sustainable future!

โ–ถ๏ธ More on this: gegen-die-klima Crisis-10409
#๏ธโƒฃ #climatechange #climatechange #fairtrade #COP27
๐Ÿ“ธยฉ๏ธ Fairtrade International/Sean Hawkey

FAIRTRADE: Active against the climate crisis



Written by Fairtrade Austria

FAIRTRADE Austria has been promoting fair trade with farming families and employees on plantations in Africa, Asia and Latin America since 1993. He awards the FAIRTRADE seal in Austria.

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