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"Up to 80 percent reduced" - with such promises, BlackFriday ak...

"Up to 80 percent reduced" - with such promises, BlackFriday is currently attracting even those who are reluctant to shop. A lot ends up in the garbage after a short time. Each of us produces almost 5 kilos of textile waste every year. Instead of a discount code, we are therefore sharing 3 tips for more conscious consumption on BlackFriday:

🛍️ Stop before shop. Ask yourself honestly if you really need the new product. Would you buy it if it wasn't reduced?
🛍️ If shopping, then fair! Support small and sustainable businesses.
🛍️ Write a list of things that are still missing in your closet. This is how you avoid the shopping frenzy.

📣 What are your tips for conscious consumption?

▶️ Good Clothes Fair Pay gibt-es-nicht-zum-sonderpreis-10508
#️⃣ #BlackFriday #goodclothesfairpay #fairtrade #consumption #shopping #HumanRightsAreNotForSale #StopBeforeShop
📸©️ Christoph Köstlin / Fairtrade Germany



Written by Fairtrade Austria

FAIRTRADE Austria has been promoting fair trade with farming families and employees on plantations in Africa, Asia and Latin America since 1993. He awards the FAIRTRADE seal in Austria.

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