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Arya: An app to improve mood

Nowadays you can find apps like sand by the sea. There are apps for documenting sporting activity, organizational apps, apps for social exchange, an app for editing pictures or magazines in the form of apps - in principle there is now an app for everything.

In the field of psychology, too, the effectiveness of various apps has been studied for a long time, which should support people in everyday life. In some cases, this acts as a replacement for therapists, as they often have to keep their clients waiting for an appointment for months. Many of the apps are suitable for bridging this time, accompanying the therapy or as follow-up care and implementation of what has been learned after the therapy.

Arya is a psychological app that is mainly used for mental disorders such as depression, but also for everyday use. Above all, by capturing their emotions and behavior, users learn to learn more about themselves and their behavior patterns through observations, in order to sometimes question them.

In addition to documenting moods and activities, the Arya app offers over 150 suggestions with activities that can do you good. There are, for example, so-called missions such as "spread little niceties", "relax with art", "pay attention to your posture" or "get a dose of sunlight", which is specially adapted to the mood of the user. You can find a lot of great ideas here that can really inspire you - even if you are doing well.

If you have a queasy feeling about documenting your honest mood on your cell phone, Arya assures you that Arya does not share any information with other apps and that the data is stored encrypted on your own cell phone.

Lesen Sie auch:

Depression: Does a therapist or an app help?

Gallery: on Unsplash


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