in ,

Uhlu lwabaphumelele ku- "Sustainability Award 2020"

Le miklamo elandelayo yenziwa nge "Umklomelo Wokusimama 2020" okuhle kakhulu:

  • Isigaba sokufundisa kanye nekharikhulamu

Indawo yokuqala: isifundo se "Fashion & Technology", i-Art University Linz 

Indawo yesi-2: "Izinkulumo Zesikhathi Esizayo", inkambo ye-inter-university mosaic, i-Scientists4Future

Indawo yesi-3: i-inter-university "Circular Innovation Curriculum, University of Applied Sciences Burgenland, University of Applied Sciences Campus Vienna, University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt"

  • Isigaba socwaningo

Indawo yokuqala: "Ukulungiswa kabusha kweCarbon Carbon", eSalzburg University of Applied Sciences 

Indawo yesi-2: "Isiyingi se-ecownomy", iTechnical University (TU) iVienna 

Indawo yesi-3: "Umthetho obhekele", iJohannes Kepler University (JKU)

  • Isigaba senethiwekhi yokuxhumana

Indawo yokuqala: "I-UniNETZ - Amanyuvesi kanye Nezinjongo Zokuthuthuka Ezisimeme" - iphrojekthi eyunivesithi enqamula ukuqaliswa kwama-SDG

 Indawo yesi-2: Uhlelo lwe-Bachelor "olunesibindi nolungenacala" eStyrian University of Education,

 Indawo yesithathu: Inethiwekhi ye-ÖKOLOG, ephethwe yi-Alpen-Adria University yaseKlagenfurt

  • Isigaba Izinyathelo Zabafundi

 Indawo yokuqala: Iphrojekthi yokuqwashisa ukusetshenziswa "1..1..2 .. Indebe lapha?" YeVorarlberg University of Applied Sciences

 Indawo yesi-2: I- "Green WG Challenge 2019" evela eParis-Lodron University yaseSalzburg

 Indawo yesi-3: “i-EcoMap” evela eVienna University of Economics and Business (WU)

  • Isigaba sokuphatha nokuphatha

 Indawo yokuqala: "Iphrojekthi yokuxhumana nenethiwekhi yokuxhasa ama-nostrificants", i-Medical University yaseVienna (MUW)

 Indawo ye-2nd: ukusungulwa kweMED CAMPUS Graz, Medical University Graz (MUG)

 Indawo yesi-3: Isifundo sesitifiketi songoti wokongiwa kwemvelo eCarinthia University of Applied Sciences

  • Isigaba sezokuxhumana kanye nokwenza izinqumo

 Indawo yokuqala: Uhlelo lwenkomba "Uhlelo lweNational Energy and Climate for Austria"

 Indawo yesi-2: NgoLwesihlanu Isithangami se-University of Applied Arts, eVienna 

Indawo yesi-3: "Inselelo Yokucabanga Yokwakhiwa Kokucaba Okuluhlaza", iKarl-Franzens-University Graz

  • Isigaba sokubambisana esifundeni

 Indawo ye-1: iphrojekthi yokuthuthukiswa kwesifunda esiphakathi neyunivesithi "I-future Caravan"

 Indawo yesi-2: iqembu lesu le-cross-university kanye nenethiwekhi ye- "BiNE Tirol"

 Indawo yesithathu: ISmart City Hallein, iSalzburg University of Applied Science

  • Isigaba sokubambisana samazwe omhlaba

 Indawo ye-1: uhlelo lokuvakasha oluphakathi neyunivesithi kanye nohlelo lwezemfundo "Ukusimama Kwezokuzijabulisa"

 Indawo yesi-2: "Sustainability Learning International", University of Agricultural and Environmental Education

 Indawo yesithathu: "I-Young Scientist Energy Award", i-FH Kufstein

Umklomelo we-Sustainability Award wethulwe kusukela ngo-2008 yi-Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) kanye ne-Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK).

Isithombe ngu u-andreas kretschmer on Unsplash

Lokhu okuthunyelwe kudalwe Umphakathi Wokukhetha. Joyina futhi uthumele umyalezo wakho!


Ibhalwe ngu UKarin Bornett

Intatheli ye-Freelance kanye ne-blogger ekukhetheni komphakathi. I-Labrador ethanda ezobuchwepheshe ngentshiseko ye-idyll yedolobhana nendawo ethambile yesiko ledolobha.

Shiya amazwana