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Products that really deliver what they promise

It's as normal as morning coffee: advertising on the products we buy. It is also common that people now know that advertising often does not keep what it promises - the perfume does not enchant the crush, the drink somehow does not make the hair slimmer and the "anti-grease shampoo" seems to make the hair even greasier do. A healthy skepticism about the packaging of the products is definitely not wrong and probably even necessary. But what I didn't know: some companies actually use scientific research to test the effect of their products on people's emotions and psyche. 

Here's an example: You stroll through the drugstore and find a bath salt, which states that it leads to deep relaxation. Classic, right? But most of the time, when I read that promise, I do not really believe it could actually free me from my everyday stress. 

During a lecture, Prof. Dr. Jennifer Schmidt from her research with the Wuppertal research institute Psyrecon on the “bath crystals deep relaxation” from Kneipp. This product was examined on the basis of a so-called psychophysiological study in which physical processes such as heartbeat, sweat gland activity and facial muscles were measured in order to find out whether the bath salt really relaxes. She mentioned that Kneipp would only leave the bath additive packaging that way if it actually did what it promised. 

The results of the study showed that the bath salt actually led to a deep relaxation and rest in the subjects. This could be seen by the activity of the brain with the EEG. 

So the next time you stroll through the corridor of a drugstore and look for something that makes you really relaxed or happy, just keep an eye on the Kneipp products! 

One more tip: In the meantime, I even try to remove the packaging from the skin cream, the shower gel or other products I use in my home, so that I am not constantly flooded with advertising and other stimuli. So finally, I can judge my reaction to the products most honestly ...

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