Scott Pruitt is Worse Than You Think
Scott Pruitt is currently under fire for his countless ethics scandals. Naomi Ages, Acting Director of Greenpeace’s Climate & Energy campaign, explains why we think he never should have become EPA administrator to begin with. To learn more about Pruitt’s scandals, visit: https://www.greenpeace.org/usa/scott-pruitt-scandals-really-bad-environment/
Scott Pruitt steht derzeit wegen seiner unzähligen Ethikskandale unter Beschuss. Naomi Ages, stellvertretende Direktorin der Greenpeace-Kampagne für Klima und Energie, erklärt, warum er unserer Meinung nach niemals WPA-Administrator werden sollte.
Um mehr über Pruitts Skandale zu erfahren, besuchen Sie: https://www.greenpeace.org/usa/scott-pruitt-scandals-really-bad-environment/