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World Fair Trade Day 2023 – Together we are fairer May 13 is the Inter…

🎫 World Fair Trade Day 2023 - Together we are fairer 📅 May 13th is International Fair Trade Day. On this day, the fair trade movement draws global attention to its vision of a fairer world and trade for the benefit of people and the environment. 🌍 Great events are taking place all over Austria for World Fair Trade Day. Together we are fairer - under this motto we have put together a wide range of action packages to get involved. Be part of the anniversary year! 📣 Do you care about fair trade? Then share this post and support us: Stand up for a fairer world, get involved in our multiplier network, in your community or school! ℹ️ This is how you can get active: we are fairer
➡️ 30 years FAIRTRADE Austria:
#️#worldfairtradeday #wftday2023 # 13May #fairtrade #Fairtrade #together we are fairer



Written by Fairtrade Austria

FAIRTRADE Austria has been promoting fair trade with farming families and employees on plantations in Africa, Asia and Latin America since 1993. He awards the FAIRTRADE seal in Austria.

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