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Why fair trade chocolate?

Why Fairtrade chocolate?

In addition to oil and coffee, cocoa is one of the most important raw materials on the world market. Price fluctuations and high market concentration shape the picture. Despite growing demand, most smallholder families have no livelihood. Fairtrade is an essential perspective for securing the future of cocoa cultivation in the long term.
The concentration of the global cocoa value chain continues to grow. Five companies currently make up two thirds of the worldwide turnover with chocolate products, two processors produce 70-80 percent of the worldwide industrial chocolate.
Cocoa cultivation is the main source of income for over 5,5 million farmers in so-called developing countries and ensures the livelihood of over 14 million people.

By the way: Option has tested the best chocolate for a clear conscience - i.e. organic & fair trade!

Why Fairtrade chocolate?
Why Fairtrade chocolate?

What cocoa can do

There are around 300 ingredients in a cocoa bean. So many that their number can only be estimated so far - and their health effects have not yet been fully researched. Contrary to popular belief, natural cocoa contains only one percent sugar. The main ingredient, on the other hand, is fat: around 54 percent cocoa butter is in a bean, in addition there are 11,5 percent protein, nine percent cellulose, five percent water and 2,6 percent minerals - including potassium and magnesium - as well as important fiber and vitamin E.

The main reason why cocoa can increase well-being is the serotonin and dopamine it contains: these substances can have a mood-enhancing effect on people and increase well-being.
At the same time, chocolates with over 70 percent cocoa content are also said to lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of stroke. The cause of this effect are the many flavanols that are in it, which improve the elasticity of the blood vessels.

Further information from Fairtrade Austria

Photo / Video: Fairtrade Austria.

Written by Helmut Melzer

As a long-time journalist, I asked myself what would actually make sense from a journalistic point of view. You can see my answer here: Option. Showing alternatives in an idealistic way - for positive developments in our society.

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