What do Migros and Coop have in common?
Net zero by 2050. That is what Migros and Coop promise in their climate goals. But our analysis shows that Migros and Coop will not achieve these goals if they continue to sell so many animal products. We have taken a close look at the climate footprint of the two retail giants. This footprint is huge: almost a third of the entire Swiss climate footprint is sold by the Migros or Coop groups.
Net zero by 2050. That is what Migros and Coop promise in their climate goals. But our analysis shows that Migros and Coop will not achieve these goals if they continue to sell so many animal products.
We have taken a close look at the carbon footprint of the two retail giants. This footprint is huge: almost a third of the entire Swiss carbon footprint is sold by the Migros or Coop Group. The two retail giants can influence this third.
Animal products, i.e. meat, fish, eggs and dairy products, are responsible for a large part of this. At Coop it is 47 percent, at the Migros Group an estimated 31 - 43 percent of all emissions. To put it simply: If Coop stopped selling animal products, its carbon footprint would fall by almost half.
Call on Coop and Migros to sell fewer animal products. Instead, they should promote plant-based products. Sign the petition. https://www.greenpeace.ch/de/handeln/fordere-von-coop-und-migros-zukunft-im-sortiment/
According to scientific studies, the climate footprint of animal products could be reduced most if society as a whole ate less meat or became vegetarian. Coop and Migros could make an important contribution to this by motivating customers to buy fewer animal products and more plant-based products through product range and pricing, product placement and advertising. But what Migros and Coop are doing could hardly be more contradictory.
For analysis: https://www.greenpeace.ch/de/publikation/109431/coop-und-migros-greenshifting-statt-klimaschutz/
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