
VfGH ends political judiciary of the medical association | Initiative "We are doctors and not chambers"

Composition of the Disciplinary Committee is unconstitutional

Vienna (OTS) - A current decision of the VFGH, also initiated by the medical association list "We are doctors and not chambers" and the lawyer Dr. Michael-Paul Parusel, may now have far-reaching consequences: The Constitutional Court repealed the provision in the Doctors' Act according to which the Disciplinary Commission of the Medical Association was appointed at the suggestion of the Ministry of Health.

Political Tribunal

As is well known, numerous doctors who objectively criticized the government measures and opposed the regulations in the interests of their patients were subjected to arbitrary and existential disciplinary reports during the Corona crisis. The closed commissions in the medical association often had the appearance of a sham trial, as in authoritarian states where sentencing was pre-determined. Accordingly, many critical doctors were also convicted. Not only were sensitive and sometimes existentially threatening fines imposed, but sometimes even the doctor's license was revoked. Whereupon DDr. Christian Fiala, spokesman for the list "We are doctors and not chambers" and other doctors lodged a complaint with the state administrative court and, among other things, complained about the unconstitutional composition of this chamber-internal "tribunal". The Administrative Court then turned to the Constitutional Court.

Will numerous lawsuits for damages follow?

The criticism of the list of doctors on the disciplinary committee is now proving to be justified: This is also shown by the now manifest, vaccination-related excess mortality, the massive drop in births 9 months after the vaccination campaign, as well as the determined ineffectiveness of the mouth and nose protection. “We have always criticized the arbitrariness of this chamber commission and its unconstitutionality. Many of our colleagues were intimidated, silenced and threatened existentially. I now expect that, on the basis of this decision, many colleagues will file claims for damages against the medical association, but also against those people who have served this political justice and intimidated the doctors with the help of these - now officially unconstitutional - commissions - at least we will support in this legal dispute.”

To the history

The VfGH decision

Written by Option

Option is an idealistic, fully independent and global social media platform on sustainability and civil society, founded in 2014 by Helmut Melzer. Together we show positive alternatives in all areas and support meaningful innovations and forward-looking ideas - constructive-critical, optimistic, down to earth. The option community is dedicated exclusively to relevant news and documents the significant progress made by our society.

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  1. This claim of "vaccine-related excess mortality" does not correspond to scientific knowledge. For example, see the study “COVID-19 and Excess All-Cause Mortality in the US and 20 Comparison Countries, June 2021-March 2022” published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, which clearly shows that high excess mortality is associated with LOW vaccination coverage. (German summary:

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