
Truth - Editorial by Helmut Melzer

Helmut Melzer

Since time immemorial, the brightest minds ask what truth really means. Is she subjective? A construct? Are there infinitely many, or none at all? I see that quite simply: For me, truth is the purest contemplation of reality. And yes, there are universal truths. Findings that do not tolerate any contradiction. What we deduce from the truth is a very different topic.

Paradoxically, our information society does not make the view easier. On the contrary: in the flood of messages and opinions that collapse on a daily basis, the truth threatens to perish.

Their final end is the intent, the bending and breaking of truth against better knowledge. "If you do not know the truth, you're just a fool. But whoever knows her and calls her a lie is a criminal ", judges Bertold Brecht. But even the stupidest lies come through. How does it work?

The earth is a disk and is at the center of the universe. - There was nothing to shake it just a few centuries ago. The sensational realization of reality was unexpectedly not greeted with euphoria, Galileo Galilei, by the way, only 1992 officially rehabilitated.

The reasons for denial of reality are manifold, including fear of the unknown, concern for loss of power, limitations of the intellect, self-protection. We do not want to recognize some truths. Because it influences and burdens our lives too much. We do not fit in the junk.

Max Planck has plenty of truth about it: "The truth never triumphs, its opponents only die out."

Photo / Video: Option.

Written by Helmut Melzer

As a long-time journalist, I asked myself what would actually make sense from a journalistic point of view. You can see my answer here: Option. Showing alternatives in an idealistic way - for positive developments in our society.

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