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The year 2021 from an astrological point of view

2021 - the year of upheaval?

After the challenging year 2020, we hope that everything will finally be easier in 2021. We have actually reached a turning point, because we are alternating from the dense energies of the element earth (Capricorn / Saturn), which matter is assigned to, to the energies of the air element (Aquarius / Uranus), which is for the human Mind standing. Both energies have their quality. Nevertheless, the overestimation of the purely material is fading. While “the old” is assigned to the Capricorn sign, Aquarius simply stands for “the new”. However, it should always be remembered that human evolution runs in cycles. The fear of suddenly waking up in the morning and being left with nothing is just as unfounded as the hope of suddenly finding yourself in a new world full of light that has changed as if by magic. We are always creators of our own lives. Understanding the astrological energy influences is a very valuable compass on our way.

A little poem as an introduction:

Hopefully we look up to see what the stars will bring us and easily forget that they never force us.

It's up to us - even if we often don't believe it - how we use the time, because even big challenges can be mastered with awareness and a little cheerfulness. 

The game of life on this earth serves to make us what we already are. 

All our potentials, our divine inheritance would like to develop here, we just need to use and manage our energy well.

In addition, astrology has precious gifts for runs, it serves as a guide where I direct my attention.

It is well known that energy always follows attention, we only have to do it ourselves, even if we have often got lost. 

Everything that is to be seen as an opportunity - no matter how difficult it may seem, is what distinguishes happy people from those who often feel very sad and empty.

With this in mind, I wish all of us this ability to learn, grow and develop at all times.

All the best for 2021 !!!

Nadia Ehritz

After the year 2020 has actually not only fulfilled the prognoses but even exceeded them from an astrological point of view, we are now looking forward to the year 2021 and hope that it will finally be easier and that we will soon have overcome the announced crisis. After my annual forecast for 2020 (>>HERE for reading) was already written before Corona in November 2019, I was not surprised, but still amazed how quickly and violently and above all worldwide the epochal Pluto / Saturn conjunction manifested itself on January 12.1.2020th, 2020. Although astrology cannot predict exact events, it can translate the energetic meaning and this is: CRISIS. In the annual preview for XNUMX I used an image of the Chinese character for crisis with the following text: 

"It remains to be seen whether the stuck will have to collapse completely in order to create space for something newen. But since both Pluto and Saturn initially tend to strengthen energies of holding on, real change could only arise through crises. The Chinese character for crisis has two parts, one means danger and the other opportunity. Crises are always great opportunities for change. "

So there we are - in the midst of the crisis. The question now is what can we do to really turn this into an opportunity for change. First of all, I would like to jump back another year at this point, to the annual forecast for 2019 (>> HERE for reading). Here it is written, among other things:

“It is important that everyone makes their contribution within the scope of their own possibilities, so that there is no collective crisis, but instead perhaps a really changed (Pluto) world order (Saturn) can arise.

SYMBOLON card Pluto / Saturn
 This card is called "the depression" or "the stool of oblivion"
 It is up to us whether we remain in a rigidity and already turn to stone like the figure shown, or whether we are ready to let old structures die, get up and move on. Only then can we see that light is waiting at the end of the tunnel. "

So what could be our personal contribution to positive change?

On the real level, we have a much greater power than we are aware of through our consumer behavior alone. Some very positive developments have already emerged in recent years. The topic of sustainability and climate protection is on everyone's lips - such as the trend towards vegan nutrition that is as natural as possible. The impact this would have on our entire planet is summarized in this article, for example: There are also reports about the connection between our way of life and the outbreak of pandemics: Unfortunately, the measures prescribed by the government to fight the corona virus almost never addressed preventive options, namely that a strong immune system is the best protection against disease, according to the motto: a healthy mind in a healthy body. Our personal responsibility is required here - one of the positive Capricorn traits. There are also numerous innovative resource-saving inventions and there will be many more in the future that will hopefully also prevail.

We must not underestimate how much we shape our reality through our thoughts alone. In any case, fear is not the right path, because it weakens us and does not let us recognize the opportunities that this special time offers. Therefore, it is still advisable not to consume too much media. The more each individual aligns themselves with the development opportunities, the faster we will grow out of the crisis. Current events affect us all. If we see the figure as humanity symbolically, then the crisis is a kind of wake-up call. Now many are awakening from the stupor. But first it is a matter of getting up and taking the first - albeit arduous - steps. The way to the end of the tunnel may seem long, and it is also a lengthy process to break free from rigid patterns and structures. But it is the beginning of a new era and we will reap the fruits of our efforts over the next few years.

2021 - the year of upheaval?

After last year the three slow-moving people Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto were all under the sign of Capricorn energies, Saturn and Jupiter will now meet on December 21.12.2020, 2021 - exactly at the winter solstice - already in the Aquarius sign. Jupiter will stay there for a year, i.e. until December 2020, and Saturn will pass through Aquarius for about three years. While “the old” is assigned to the Capricorn sign, Aquarius simply stands for “the new”. In my annual forecast for XNUMX, I already addressed this special constellation at the winter solstice as follows:

 “So if Jupiter and Saturn meet in the first degree of Aquarius, this could be a harbinger of sometimes radical changes. The sign Aquarius is about renewal, freedom, breaking previous boundaries, rebellion, thinking outside the box, visions, utopias, ... If the expansion planet Jupiter and the delimitation planet Saturn meet in Aquarius, this could initially create quite a field of tension in which those who think differently are excluded and be judged. It would be desirable that perhaps completely new concepts and convictions are found that are realizable and make all people more free ”.

The meeting of Jupiter and Saturn is the beginning of a new 20-year planetary cycle, i.e. the period until the next meeting in 2040. In addition, the slowest of all planets, dwarf planet Pluto, will migrate through Capricorn until 2024 and there will be some shadow issues to the fore bring so that these can be changed. So developments will not take place overnight. As already stated in the word development, the old, the expired must first be removed layer by layer, until one arrives at the core of the real renewal. If the Aquarian energies increase, however, it will become more and more difficult to restrict people's individual freedom (Aquarius) via the laws, rules and norms prescribed by the state (all Capricorn key terms), even if this is in the sense of responsibility (Capricorn ) - happens especially to the elderly (Capricorn). The new zeitgeist will be completely different from the previous one. As in my previous year previewen already written, maybe the time is just getting started ripe with Pluto's passage through Aquarius from 2024-2044, where for 20 years it amplifies the collective energies of renewal and revolutionary change. The last time Pluto passed through Aquarius in the age of the French Revolution with the maxims "freedom, equality, fraternity". Whether we like it or not, we are heading for a new age anyway. Digitization, robots, artificial intelligence, automation, drones, ... all ongoing developments will fundamentally change our working world and our social coexistence in the future, that is certain. Much of what we only know from science fiction films could very soon become reality. Since Aquarius is an air sign, there is a high probability that the transport system will also change and in the future we will move, for example, with automated drones (prototypes are already on the way today) and a lot will also happen in space travel. When Pluto stayed in the sign of the twins from 1884-1914, which among other things stands for speed and agility, we were in the middle of the age of the industrial revolution and above all in the age of the automobile boom. The Aquarian energies are even faster and represent completely new ideas. Hopefully all of these inventions and innovations will lead to collective freedom for each individual and not to total surveillance by means of the new technologies. This is what the focus should be on. 

The entire year 2021 is therefore in the field of tension between old and new. Not only that the Capricorn ruling planet Saturn will pass through the Aquarius sign by 2023, it will also repeatedly form a tense aspect to the Aquarian ruling planet Uranus in the sign Taurus. The corresponding energies can be better illustrated using a picture:

SYMBOLON card Saturn / Uranus (Capricorn / Aquarius) "The captivity"

 It is important to integrate the field of tension that results from the fact that the old has expired, but the new has to be formed first. The fool (Aquarius / Uranus) can do nothing at the moment but let go of the grids. When a stone is thrown, its trajectory is already determined (this corresponds to the laws of Saturn). Only by accepting this trajectory can we become free on the trajectory. Every attempt to break out leads to immense stress and the threat of an explosion. So it is important to wait for the right time, because Saturn is in its mythological counterpart Chronos - the master of time. 

Nothing in the world is as powerful as an idea whose time has come.

Victor Hugo

So what can we expect when the time has come for the new, the paradigm shift?

First of all, it is important to consider the individual development of each individual. Everyone has their own time, their own speed for the respective processes of awareness and of course there are also people who are not in the least interested in it. That too has to be accepted. But then the scissors will inevitably diverge further, since there are no longer any points of contact or resonances. In the meantime, it is all about tidying up and creating order for everyone (Saturn / Capricorn) in order to be able to build the new on a stable basis and structure (also Saturn / Capricorn), so that developments do not overwhelm us and enslave us, but us more freely and make more self-determined (Aquarius / Uranus). That is where the great opportunity lies. The sign Aquarius stands for freedom, change, reform, originality, a break with tradition and convention, ingenuity, innovation, equality, ingenuity, .... The ruling planet Uranus is considered the wild card in astrology, the revolutionary among the planets. But often such changes and ruptures that hit us out of the blue are not exactly pleasant and initially frighten us, even if these ruptures often lead to liberating breakthroughs in the end. Freedom in the real sense means equal validity, ie no matter what happens to me, I give the situation the same validity, no matter how difficult it seems. Only then can you recognize the opportunity for change that lies behind the challenge. The first steps into something new are the hardest, but those who are willing to be flexible, always keep moving, receive the gift of freedom and true lightness that many people long for. 

I have already discussed the meaning of the passage of the Aquarian ruler Uranus through the earth sign Taurus in detail in mine Annual preview 2020 written. Now, in fact, some of what we thought was safe is completely in flux. Since Uranus has been going through the Taurus sign since 2018 and will not move into the Gemini sign until 2026, we can expect that value structures will also be renewed in the coming years. As already mentioned in the previous annual previews, it would be desirable to let the stuck and obsolete break up, especially if it makes us unfree. The current situation confronts us with a lot of uncertainty, but at the same time offers the opportunity for completely new solutions (keyword, for example, unconditional basic income). In this context, the question arises as to how the current economic system can still be maintained due to the corona crisis and the resulting huge mountains of debt worldwide.

At this point I would like to quote the French philosopher Bernard Stiegler, who unfortunately died recently, on this subject:  

"Overcome old structures and change our current form of society:  

It is great, that robots will work in factories, but only under the condition that, at the same time, sustainable investments are made so that people can acquire different know-how that creates new activities that are no longer purely consumer-oriented but have social and societal value . The point is to rethink the entire old system of industrial production in favor of a system in which one shares knowledge and thus also the resources based on a worldwide distribution plan. A redistribution of profits through automation could mean that people have more time for further training and this new knowledge could create a new form of society, a new kind of sustainability. "



We are in the change from the dense energies of the element earth (Capricorn / Saturn), to which the matter is assigned, to the energies of the air element (Aquarius / Uranus), which stand for the human spirit. Both energies have their quality. Nevertheless, the overemphasis and overvaluation of the purely material are fading. We are asked to acknowledge that we have the ability to shape our reality through our minds, through our alignment. In the years and decades to come, many developments will therefore take place that correspond to this fact. This goes hand in hand with a great responsibility, because we have to be or become aware of how powerful this ability is. We are constantly creating our reality through our thoughts anyway, only most of the time unconsciously. Mindfulness is the order of the day.

Neptune, another very slowly moving planet, which has passed through its home sign Pisces since 2011 and will not move further into Aries until 2026, can help us to see and accept challenges with a holistic view. In astrology, Neptune symbolizes the “world behind the world”, the transcendent area, which we cannot understand with our rational mind alone. Well lived Neptune energies stand for intuition, spirituality, compassion, fantasy, art, music and above all for (God) trust. Since these fine energies are difficult to grasp, they can also act like a fog and then lead to dissolution, (dis) deception, confusion, escape from reality, addiction and the attitude of sacrifice. It is important to recognize that we as human beings can only realize our spiritual mastery through the experience of duality. Only spirituality lived in everyday life is real spirituality (everything else is mostly just hollow phrases). However, this does not mean “spiritual ambition” or “spiritual arrogance”, where some people compete with one another in the spiritual as well as in the worldly and feel superior, because they are supposedly so well developed. It's just about getting out of the hamster wheel of everyday life again and again through awareness and mindfulness in order to gain new perspectives and to connect with the voice of our soul or to subject our inspirations to a reality check. This is not always easy and there are also numerous supportive methods to get into this good connection, such as constellation work (more on this >> HERE).

For the entire year 2021, the ascending lunar knot (= increment) wanders through the zodiac sign of Gemini, while the descending lunar knot (= the expired) is always exactly 180 ° in opposition in the counter-sign of Sagittarius (see Annual preview 2020). Furthermore, we are asked to leave behind the shady themes of the Sagittarius sign (such as missionary zeal, dogmatism, arrogance, optimism and exaggeration) and to the positive twin energies (such as ease, openness and neutrality for all opinions and points of view, flexibility and The joy of communicating).

Planetoid Chiron has been going through the Aries sign since 2018 and will move on to the Pisces sign in 2027 (see also the 2020 annual preview). In astrology, Chiron symbolizes our sore points, our confrontation with pain, but also healing through the acceptance of these weak points. Since Aries is about assertiveness, courage and a pioneering spirit, among other things, it would be desirable if this process leads to a breakthrough in new holistic healing methods, where the person is perceived again as a unity of body, mind and soul and we learn to activate our self-healing powers (More details also >> HERE). 

Until mid-July 2021, Lilith, which in astrology means female primal force, but also its suppression and the resulting trauma, will be in the sign of Taurus, which is mainly about values. We all, regardless of whether women or men, can reflect on questions such as: "Am I worth being loved for my own sake?" Or which elemental force do I suppress, where do I adapt too much, which compensation strategies (e.g. overvaluation I developed it in order to gain recognition in order not to be marginalized? ”… (I wrote more about Lilith in an older blog article from 2016 >>HERE for reference - the last paragraph only applies to the then current astrological correspondence). Lilith will spend the remainder of 2021 under the sign of twins. Here it can increasingly be a question of an inner turmoil between “head and stomach”, that is, understanding and feeling. Lilith in the twins could have the effect that we neutralize feelings, rather go into the intellect so as not to be hurt and ostracized. It can also be a confrontation with a condemnation for what we think and how we communicate and we are asked to remain authentic and neutral in our opinion and not become volatile and superficial just to belong.   

2021 Saturn year  

According to the Chaldean calendar, Saturn will be the ruler of the year in 2021. Please do not think of any more Saturn energies, after we have been confronted with the concentrated Saturn / Capricorn forces in the past few years anyway. But do not worry, because the ruler of the year alone does not say too much about the prevailing energies. The astrological year begins at the beginning of spring, i.e. when the sun enters Aries on March 20.3.2021th, XNUMX. Until then, the moon will still rule when it comes to dealing with emotional issues. The theme of the annual regent Saturn is the creation of order, the assumption of personal responsibility, setting the course and setting limits.

In numerology, the cross sum of the year 2021 results in the five, which stands for freedom - a key term for Aquarius😊


The following eclipses will take place in 2021 instead of: 

26.5. Lunar eclipse in Sagittarius (not visible to us)

10.6. Solar eclipse in Gemini (ring-shaped, visible to us) 

19.11 lunar eclipse in Taurus (not visible to us) 

4.12 Solar eclipse in Sagittarius (not visible to us) 

While eclipses were seen in earlier times as harbingers of bad events, in astrology these are seen more as transformative energies today. A solar eclipse is about our self-awareness, while a lunar eclipse is about emotional issues on a spiritual level.


Retrograde phases of the planets: 

During these phases the respective energies are not directly available. It's about looking inside and coming to terms with it.

Mercury (communication / thinking): January 30th - February 21st, May 30th - June 23rd, September 27th - October 18th 

Venus (love / relationship):  December 19, 2021 - January 29, 2022  

Jupiter (finding meaning, expanding horizons, growth):  June 20th - October 18th  

Saturn (structure, order, delimitation):  May 23 - October 11 

Uranus (change, renewal): August 15, 2020 - January 14, 2021, August 20, 2021 - January 19, 2022 

Neptune (dissolution, transcendence):  June 25th - December 1st  

Pluto (Transformation, Die and Become Processes):  April 27th - October 6th

“The wise one rules his stars” 

Thomas Aquinas


As always, the New Year's time quality is a GENERAL interpretation of the astrological collective energies that accompany us through the New Year. How this affects each individual can only be done in an individual consultation based on the personal natal chart. More information >> HERE


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Written by NEELA

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