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French police target black and Arab children 10 years and older | Human Rights Watch


French Police Target Black and Arab Children as Young as 10

Read the report: (Paris, June 18, 2020) - French police use overly broad stop-and-frisk powers to conduct discriminatory and abusive c…

Read the report:

(Paris, June 18, 2020) - French police are using far-reaching stop-and-frisk powers to conduct discriminatory and abusive controls on black and Arab boys and men. Restricting these powers is key to tackling biased policing, including racial or ethnic profiling, and restoring police-community relationships.

The 44-page report, "You speak to us as if we were dogs": Abusive police stops in France "document repeated, unfounded police stops against minorities, including children aged 10 and older, older children and adults. These stops often include invasive, humiliating body cartridges and the search for personal items. Most stops are never recorded, the police do not provide written documentation or usually tell people why they have been stopped, and accountability measures have been ineffective. Several of the children and adults interviewed said the police used racial insults.

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