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Study: Safe routes significantly increase bicycle traffic

Who berichtet, cycling seems to be booming in Austria since the beginning of the corona pandemic. One factor that has promoted this sustainable and healthy mode of transport is, among other things, the new space created for cyclists. Since there is practically no risk of infection on the bike, numerous cities across Europe have opened pop-up cycle paths within a very short time.

A study now shows that the new cycle paths have made a significant contribution to switching from cars and public transport to bicycles. “For their study, Sebastian Kraus and Nicolas Koch from the Berlin climate research institute MCC (Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change) used the data from 736 official bicycle counting stations in 106 European cities - including Vienna - as well as data from the monitoring of the European Cyclists' Association “Corona cycle paths” used. Disruptive factors such as the fundamentally higher motivation to ride a bike instead of the subway in times of pandemic, or differences in population density, density of the public transport network, topography or weather were factored out, ”reports

The study shows that the Pop-up bike paths as a single measure from March to July 2020 to one Increase in cycling between eleven and 48 percent have led. How sustainable this development is, however, remains to be seen, according to the study authors….

Stay positive! You read about the chances the corona crisis shows here.

Photo by Martin Magnemyr on Unsplash

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Written by Karin Bornett

Freelance journalist and blogger in the Community option. Technology-loving Labrador smoking with a passion for village idyll and a soft spot for urban culture.

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