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Protecting children's rights through fair trade

On today's World Children's Day and every other day, we are committed to ensuring that children go to school instead of to work. 👧✍️ Around the world, around 168 million children between the ages of five and seventeen are still working, 85 million of them under unreasonable and sometimes dangerous conditions. In fair trade, exploitative child labor is prohibited. The FAIRTRADE standards contain strict requirements so that these can be identified, eliminated and prevented in the future. The health and development of children must not be harmed. Education and the fight against poverty are key to this. 🌍

Protecting children's rights through fair trade



Written by Fairtrade Austria

FAIRTRADE Austria has been promoting fair trade with farming families and employees on plantations in Africa, Asia and Latin America since 1993. He awards the FAIRTRADE seal in Austria.

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