Propaganda campaign for mobile phones and against naturopathic treatments

German Press Agency (dpa) as mouthpiece for the industry

Recently, ready-made articles by the dpa appearing in the daily press time and again, portraying mobile communications as harmless. Again and again reference is made to the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) without checking the truthfulness of its statements.

“… Mobile communications have been well researched. Researchers looked at everything possible, such as sleep and the frequency of cancer. The result was that mobile phones and mobile phone masts have no influence on this..."

The "specialist" of the BfS mentioned there, Anja Lutz, is only a press officer there, further qualifications are not mentioned on the BfS homepage...

Despite all the rules of physics and electrical engineering, the fact that the pulsed microwave radiation with which this technology transmits data does have an effect on the electrobiological system of living beings continues to be ignored. And the "scientific" studies to which the BfS refers in its statements are primarily surveys, the results of which are statistically evaluated. These evaluations are then presented as scientific studies.

The BfS represents a state of research here that corresponds to the attitude of the Catholic Church on the subject of astronomy around 1600 (the sun revolves around the earth). Instead of the dogma of the Church we have here the thermal dogma. And this is represented just as fanatically...

Unfortunately, it also has to be said here that the BfS is very closely linked to the industry via ICNIRP. So far, this authority has primarily distinguished itself as representing the interests of industry. The actual task, the protection of citizens, is neglected.

These dpa articles look very much like a propaganda campaign for mobile communications (on behalf of the industry). In the past, the dpa has been accused of abusing its market position as Germany's largest press agency to manipulate opinion and give reporting a pro-government tone.

And the German government has traditionally always been very pro-industry, whether black-yellow, red-green, black-red or traffic lights. When in doubt, the protection of people and the environment ranks behind profit interests.
It is particularly perfidious here to present the distortions, half-truths and lies of the industry and its mouthpieces as "facts". And it's sad when the dpa, as a "supplier" of public service media and many newspapers, allows itself to be exploited for such campaigns.

It's just as sad that "serious" newspapers print something like this without thinking. Can't, don't want to or aren't they allowed to do their own research anymore? In any case, solid journalistic work looks different! - With such propaganda one need not be surprised about the distrust of the citizens (lying press) and the influx of so-called "alternative media"...

For example, on the "children's pages" there are ready-made articles from the dpa, which are intended to subliminally bring the children "into line". For example, sweet ducklings are found again with the help of a sound recording on a mobile phone - you know right away that this technology is absolutely necessary...

"... According to BfS harmless ... only slight tissue heating ... comparison with the earth's magnetic field ... protection through strict limit values ​​& standards ... according to current knowledge no cancer triggering possible ... according to studies no evidence of damage ... complaints have other causes ..."

Interestingly, the most important harmful factors and health damage are listed, but their effects are then denied, concealed, glossed over and instigated….

An essential feature of propaganda is that the claims are constantly repeated in all variants, at some point people will believe it because they no longer know it any other way... - It doesn't matter whether in totalitarian regimes or in our neoliberalism - the patterns are the same!

Present fakes as facts

Ready-made articles for regional newspapers are intended to make the expansion of mobile communications palatable

Alleged enlightenment about disinformation turns out to be targeted propaganda & fake info

You can now find articles and entire websites by people who describe themselves as “fact checkers” who supposedly shed light on disinformation. What looks like a laudable approach at first glance, for example warnings about rip-offs and pied pipers, turns out to be targeted propaganda in the interests of the industry on closer inspection, in order to discredit undesirable information portals and present them as implausible. 

If you then take a closer look at the arguments used there, you quickly realize that powerful industry lobbies are behind them, who have self-proclaimed “fact checkers” spread counter-statements against undesirable reporting and information in order to dispel doubts about their own business practices and products and in return portraying opponents and critics as implausible.

The “fact checkers” basically accuse those affected of their own questionable behavior, such as misrepresentation of studies, one-sided interpretation of the facts, lobbying, citing their own work as sources, bias, economic ties, etc.

The following topics are particularly “enlightened”:

Naturopathy & Naturopathic Treatments:

Since the "unscientific" of the methods and procedures is badmouthed. There would be no evidence of the effectiveness of methods such as acupuncture, homeopathy, etc.

In doing so, it is concealed that it can be seen from decades of practice or even longer that successes are consistently achieved here. This cannot only be attributed to the repeatedly mentioned placebo effects. The mechanisms of action have not yet been fully scientifically researched. Just because we don't (yet) understand something doesn't mean it doesn't exist!

This fits all too well into the concept of apparatus medicine and the big pharma companies...

Mobile radio criticism & mobile radio critics: 

Here, too, an attempt is being made to refute the criticism of the industry's approach with an allegedly scientific approach. Only sources that confirm your own prejudices are used. Those who say mobile communications are harmless will be heard and acknowledged, but those who warn of the risks of this technology will be ignored and dismissed, no matter how well justified the warnings are.

The Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) is repeatedly quoted as a reference, without questioning why they still insist that there is only a thermal effect of the radiation, if at all. This contradicts all the rules of physics and electrobiology, but fits only too well into the concept of the mobile phone industry and Big Data companies... 

In both cases, it is particularly important to warn against "correctiv" and the series "quarks"...

Beware of "fact checkers"!


Unfortunately, we have to realize that we are not always being told the full truth, both by “official” media and by so-called “alternative media”. 

It therefore never hurts to take a closer look at the "enlightenment" offered in each case and to check for yourself whether it is really hard facts or influencing & manipulation.

– Always think for yourself!!

more articles on electro-sensitive:

Thoughts are free….

Caution - citizens' consultation hour! 

The arrogance of power as breeding ground for conspiracy theories

Mobile phone campaign of the federal government 

Because they know what they are doing 

"Germany talks about 5G" turns out to be purely a promotional event

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Written by George Vor

Since the topic of "damage caused by mobile communications" is officially hushed up, I would like to provide information about the risks of mobile data transmission using pulsed microwaves.
I would also like to explain the risks of uninhibited and unthinking digitization...
Please also visit the reference articles provided, new information is constantly being added there..."

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