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On Thursday, EU ministers will meet in Brussels to take an important decision...

EU ministers are meeting in Brussels on Thursday to make an important decision.

👨‍⚖️ On the agenda is how to stop the economy's destructive impact on workers, communities and the environment. They will vote on a version of a new due diligence law that could hold companies accountable for human rights and environmental abuses. But some ministers are turning their backs on us and our planet.

👀 We need this law that applies across the entire value chain to protect the climate and workers and ensure justice. We need to step up the pressure and show ministers that we're keeping an eye on them!

✊ Join Justice is Everybody's Business and write to your minister! Let's show them that justice is everybody's business!

📣 Register here:
#️⃣ #HoldBizAccountable #JusticeNotProfit #RespectLabourRights #bizhumanrights #YesEUcan #climateaction #climatechange #climatejustice #solidarity #socialjustice #lieferkette #lieferkettengesetz



Written by Fairtrade Austria

FAIRTRADE Austria has been promoting fair trade with farming families and employees on plantations in Africa, Asia and Latin America since 1993. He awards the FAIRTRADE seal in Austria.

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