Trees not only suffer from bad air...

It is observed again and again that nature also suffers from the technical frequencies of the pulsed microwave radiation of digital data transmission. One can observe again and again that trees on the side facing a transmission mast develop brown leaves and needles and that bare spots quickly form here as well. You can also see that the leaves have conspicuous brown edges.
Trees are dying in the affected (irradiated) areas. Interesting are the neighboring trees in the radio shadow, which are still quite healthy, but otherwise have the same conditions (small root space, sealed soil, heat and drought stress, etc.)...

Or as an employee of a mobile phone company once said to a forest ranger when he asked whether the trees were in the way of the radio mast and whether it would be better to cut them down: "It doesn't have to be, the radio will burn its way clear."

The doctor Dr. medical Cornelia Waldmann-Selsam and her team have been documenting tree damage caused by mobile phone transmission masts for many years. As early as 2006, she drew attention to the connection between the locations of cellphone towers and changes in trees. She is committed to making her findings known throughout Germany and explains to interested parties what tree damage is typical of mobile phone radiation. It also provides valuable information on how to recognize such damage and how to establish the connection with the radiation exposure.

Observation Guide: Tree Damage from Cell Phone Radiation 

Mobile phone damage to city trees, tree inspections with Dr. Waldmann Selsam 

diagnose:funk Webinar No. 14:
Tree damage from cellphone radiation

Save the bees - It's not just the pesticides!

Many have signed the petition of the environmental institute "Save bees and farmers". Many thanks again to all of you for this! Thanks also to all those who helped the referendum in Bavaria to be a success! -The demands represented there must continue to be supported!

The basic chemical composition of synthetic pesticides is derived from chemical warfare agents, so further explanations are unnecessary here...

– Here the farmers have to be brought on board in order to find a way out of the chemical trap together. Banning alone does not work!

A rethinking in politics and society is required here! - Interestingly enough, it is precisely the farm officials who rail against such petitions in front of the farmers, but are themselves in league with agro-industry and agro-chemistry...

The Hidden Dangers of Cell Phones & Co

However, what is unfortunately always overlooked here is the proportion that the ever increasing electromagnetic environmental pollution, popularly known as electrosmog, has on the death of the bee colonies.

Experience shows that the interaction of electromagnetic radiation and environmental toxins has devastating effects, since these factors do not add up, but multiply together, e.g. even potentiate!

Since the animals have an "electromagnetic sense" (this is related to ferrites in certain body cells), they can orientate themselves using the earth's magnetic field. So they always find their way back to their beehive and feeding places.

The increasing electromagnetic radiation caused by the ever-increasing wireless data transmission now disturbs the bees' sense of direction, so that they are completely disoriented. In addition, the bees are put into an alarm state, which leads to the flight of entire colonies. The Indian researchers Ved Prakash Sharma and Neelima Kumar proved this in 2017 in tests with mobile phones.


Save the bees - It's not just the pesticides!

Review: Mobile phone radiation affects insects

Biological effects of electromagnetic fields on insects

Ways out & alternatives

  • Drastic lowering of current limits
    The current limits for mobile phone radiation only protect the industry from claims for damages
  • reversal of the burden of proof, Operators must prove that the technology is harmless
    This is actually the basic legal understanding!
  • Reduced exposure to nitrogen oxides and particulate matter
    not only the trees are happy about better air!
  • Passing on the hidden costs (groundwater purification from nitrates & pesticides) on the prices of industrial agriculture - then organic will be cheaper in comparison! – At the moment we are paying for the low prices with our health, among other things…
  • Restructuring of agricultural subsidies, Promote organic instead of space!
    With the area funding, industrial agriculture is kept alive artificially
  • Reconsider your own consumer behavior
    Instead of buying the cheapest stuff from a discounter only to throw away the "too much", it's better to pay attention to quality and only get what you really need:
    Prefer to watch movies on a big screen at home, rather than stream them on your smartphone via cellular, and make longer phone calls using a corded device

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Written by George Vor

Since the topic of "damage caused by mobile communications" is officially hushed up, I would like to provide information about the risks of mobile data transmission using pulsed microwaves.
I would also like to explain the risks of uninhibited and unthinking digitization...
Please also visit the reference articles provided, new information is constantly being added there..."

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