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Most used Climate Myths and what the science really says

Most used Climate Myths


what the science really says ... 

About Skeptical Science:

Skeptical Science is a nonprofit organization focused on science education and is run by a global team of volunteers.

The goal of Skeptical Science is to explain what the peer reviewed scientific literature says about global warming. If you look at the doubters' many arguments about global warming, you quickly see a pattern. Their arguments are often limited to small pieces of the puzzle and neglect the complete picture. For example, the focus on the Climategate e-mails neglects the full weight of scientific evidence for the global warming we are causing. Focusing on the few growing glaciers ignores the global trend of accelerating glacier shrinkage. Allegations of a global cooling embezzle that the planet still collects additional heat overall. Our website shows the complete picture in which we explain the reviewed scientific literature.

Often the reason for questioning global warming we are causing seems to be political rather than scientific. According to the motto - "It is all a liberal plot to spread socialism and destroy capitalism." which I reject. ”The question of the causes of global warming is a purely scientific question. Skeptical Science puts politics out of the debate and focuses on science. 

Text excerpt from the homepage:

Anyway, a more than useful link, for debate, translated into more than 20 languages. 

Photo: Marina Ivkić

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Written by Marina Ivkić

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