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Mobile toilets without a chemical club

Mobile toilets without a chemical club

The mobile toilets from ÖKlo do not use any chemicals at all, “rinsing” is done with sawdust and, in the end, valuable compost is created instead of toxic sewage sludge - with less odor pollution.

The resulting compost is also considered harmless from a hygienic point of view, like Erwin Binner from the Institute for Waste Management BOKU Soil Science University Vienna, explained in the summary of his “Compost Report”. “Comprehensive laboratory tests, in which technical composting is simulated at the ABF-BOKU, have proven that the compost produced with the addition of faeces from ÖKlo GmbH is safe for epidemics. Endocrine substances (drug residues, hormones, etc.) were largely broken down during the rotting process. Up to a maximum of approx. 36% FM feces in the rotting substrate, there were no significant advantages or disadvantages in composting or in the compost quality. "

The TÜV certification took place recently. “The fact that our öKlos have now also been certified by TÜV is an additional confirmation that our composting toilets are not just the idea of ​​a few unfamiliar eco-friendly products, but a sustainable model for the future,” explains ÖKlo founder Niko Bogianzidis.

Copyright header image: öKlo


Written by Karin Bornett

Freelance journalist and blogger in the Community option. Technology-loving Labrador smoking with a passion for village idyll and a soft spot for urban culture.

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