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Japan should protect LGBT people from the Olympics #EqualityActJapan | Human Rights Watch


Japan Should Protect LGBT People Before Olympics #EqualityActJapan

In July 2021, the Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games are slated to begin in Tokyo, Japan. But today, Japan is not ready to host the Olympics. Why? Because J ...

The Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games are scheduled to begin in Tokyo, Japan, in July 2021. But today Japan is not ready to host the Olympics. Why? Because there are no national laws in Japan that protect lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people from discrimination.

The Olympic Games stand for unity in diversity and pass on a positive legacy for the future. Japan's lack of protection for LGBT people does not meet the requirements of the Olympic Charter, the Olympic Agenda 2020 or human rights standards.

We call on the Japanese government to introduce and enact laws to protect LGBT people from discrimination before the Olympics. It's time for an equality law - and the countdown begins now. Learn more:

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