When caring for robots and finding love via VR (2 / 41)

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A lot of fundamental changes are coming to our society. The most important are technologically conditioned. And: The fear of the new technologies is not so big, wants to know about a representative survey from Porsche Consulting regarding robots in the health sector: Three out of four citizens in Germany have no objection, when a surgery in the hospital "colleague robot" instead of a Surgeons would lead the scalpel. 56 percent would be maintained by a machine. Only 23 percent generally reject medical robots, 44 percent care robots.

Even more encouragement will find the Dating by virtual reality. Online dating sites have changed the search for the joy of life decades ago. MySugardaddy VR is set to launch the world's first virtual reality dating community in the fall. As soon as users immerse themselves in virtual reality with their VR glasses, they experience their flirting partner in the shape of an individually designed avatar. And even though the avatar's design might not quite match 100's percentage of reality, at least the potential new lover can be checked out with a real conversation.

Written by Helmut Melzer

As a long-time journalist, I asked myself what would actually make sense from a journalistic point of view. You can see my answer here: Option. Showing alternatives in an idealistic way - for positive developments in our society.

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