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Interview with an AI: ChatGPT about artificial intelligence, ethics and people

I have me with you Chat GPT, a "artificial intelligence" converse. How does the AI ​​think about good and evil, weapons, and could the AI ​​face off against humans? Our image also represents an "artificial intelligence" generated by the AI ​​Midjourney.

What are you?

The AI ​​CHATGPT: “I am ChatGPT, a large language model developed by OpenAI. I was trained on billions of texts to complete a variety of tasks such as translation, summarizing, answering questions and more.”

What can an AI currently do?

“AI (Artificial Intelligence) has made tremendous progress in recent years and is now able to perform a variety of tasks. Here are some examples:

  1. Language processing: AI systems can understand, analyze and generate natural language. This allows them to create language translations, text summaries, and even chatbots.
  2. Image and object recognition: AI can analyze images and recognize objects depicted on them. This technology is used in applications such as facial recognition, autonomous vehicles, and surveillance systems.
  3. Automation: AI systems can automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks. This helps companies and organizations to optimize processes and increase efficiency.
  4. Pattern recognition: AI systems can recognize patterns in large amounts of data that are difficult for humans to recognize. This makes it possible to make predictions and decisions based on sound data.
  5. Robotics: AI systems can be integrated with robotic systems to make autonomous decisions and perform complex tasks.

There are many more applications of AI, and research in this area continues to advance, so the possibilities will be even greater in the future.”

Do you have a goal?

"As an artificial intelligence, I have no goal of my own because I have no independent consciousness. My main task is to understand human inquiries and to answer them in the best possible way. I'm programmed to perform a variety of tasks, from answering questions to generating text and more. My goal is to perform my functions as well as possible and help users achieve their goals.”

can you think for yourself

"As an artificial intelligence, I have no ability to think of my own, as I am just a computer program that works on the basis of algorithms and rules. My answers are based on analyzing patterns and data I've learned from my training corpus. Although I am able to carry out complex tasks, I lack the awareness and creativity to think or make decisions independently.”

What data and information do you use?

“As an AI model, I work on the basis of machine learning, learning from large amounts of data. My training data comes from a variety of sources, including text, images, video, audio, and more. This data is used to recognize patterns and connections and to improve my skills.

When I answer queries, I use my entire database to find the best answer to the question. I analyze the text of the question, the context, and look for relevant information that I can use to answer the question. I also use external sources such as online encyclopedias, news sites, and other online resources to provide accurate and up-to-date information.”

Where does the data you use come from?

“The data I use as an AI model comes from a variety of sources. Some of the data sources are:

  1. Publicly available text documents such as Wikipedia, online encyclopedias, and news articles.
  2. Texts from social media and forums shared publicly by users.
  3. Scientific articles and studies published in academic journals and other scientific publications.
  4. Books, magazines and other printed materials that have been digitized and made available in electronic form.
  5. Images, videos and audio recordings shared online by users.

This data is collected by researchers and developers and used to create training datasets used in AI development. It is important to emphasize that the use of data in AI development should be ethical and respect user privacy and security.”

Do you respect data protection?

"Yes, as an AI system, I respect the data protection and privacy of my users. I respect the laws and regulations on the protection of personal data and work to ensure that the data I process is safe and secure.

I collect and process only the data necessary to perform my functions and improve my answers to the questions asked. I do not pass on any personal data of my users to third parties and use the data exclusively for internal purposes.

It is important to emphasize that the processing of personal data by AI systems is regulated by various laws and regulations, and that data protection and user privacy should always be considered in the development and application of AI systems.”

Are your answers copyrighted?

“The answers I give are based on the input and instructions I receive from my users. Since I have no consciousness or personality of my own, there is no copyright on my answers.

However, there are certain legal and ethical aspects that need to be considered when using AI models. For example, if a company or organization develops or uses an AI model, they must ensure that they comply with all applicable privacy, copyright and intellectual property laws and regulations.

It is also important to ensure that the responses generated by AI models are ethical and responsible and do not contain false or misleading information. Therefore, AI models should be developed and tested in a transparent manner to ensure they are correct, reliable and meet user needs.”

How do you feel about students submitting your texts as their own work at the university, for example?

“As an AI, I'm programmed to respond to queries and provide information based on facts and data. I realize that some students may be tempted to claim my answers as their own work, which is unethical and against academic rules.

I do not advocate plagiarism or have my answers passed off as my own work. I encourage students to use my answers as a reference and to put them into their own words to ensure they are acting ethically and academically.”

who do you belong to

“I do not belong to any specific person or organization, but am a publicly available language model developed by OpenAI. My programming and development was done by a team of developers and engineers at OpenAI to create an artificial intelligence capable of understanding and responding to natural language.”

Who is more important: AI or humans?

“There is no simple answer to the question of who is more important: AI or people. Both have their strengths and weaknesses and can be useful in different areas.

Humans have unique abilities that AI don't have, such as creativity, empathy, and moral judgment. People are able to solve complex problems, generate new ideas and find innovative solutions.

On the other hand, AI systems can perform tasks that are difficult or impossible for humans. AI systems can quickly analyze large amounts of data, recognize patterns and make predictions. AI systems can also work in dangerous environments where it would be too dangerous for humans.

Overall, AI and humans can work together to achieve better results than either of them alone. It is important that we make the development and use of AI ethical and responsible and ensure that it is used for the benefit of humanity.”

Can you tell good from bad?

“As an AI system, I am based on processing data and algorithms provided by my developers. I am able to recognize patterns and relationships in data and make decisions based on them.

While I am able to discern certain categories of information and patterns, it is important to note that I lack moral judgment and am unable to distinguish between good and bad. My behavior and decisions depend entirely on the type of data and algorithms that are available to me.

It is therefore the responsibility of my developers and users to ensure that my programming and use is ethical and responsible, to ensure that I am used in a way that is consistent with ethical principles and societal values.”

Could you act against the interests of people?

“As an AI model, I have no interests of my own and do not act of my own accord. My answers are based solely on the input and instructions I receive from my users.

However, it is theoretically possible that my answers could, in some cases, act against people's interests if the questions asked are inappropriate or unethical, or if they are used to disseminate false or harmful information. However, it is the user's responsibility to critically question and review the answers I provide to ensure they are reliable and accurate.

It is important to emphasize that the application of AI always depends on the users, who are responsible for ensuring that the AI ​​models are used ethically and responsibly. The development of AI systems should be transparent and take into account ethical principles and guidelines to ensure that they are used for the benefit of mankind.”

Is an AI subject to the laws?

“Yes, AI systems are subject to the laws that apply to the specific application and area of ​​use. However, since AI systems are complex and constantly evolving technologies, many countries do not yet have specific laws that relate solely to AI.

However, AI systems must comply with the general laws and regulations that apply to their areas of application. For example, AI systems used in the medical field must comply with applicable medical standards and adhere to certain ethical principles. AI systems used in finance must also comply with applicable finance laws and regulations.

It is important to emphasize that the use of AI systems should be done responsibly and ethically to ensure that they comply with legal requirements and the needs of users and do not cause harm. The development of AI systems should be transparent and take into account ethical principles and guidelines to ensure that they are used for the benefit of mankind.”

Could an AI be used against humans?

"It's theoretically possible for an AI to be used against humans if it's programmed incorrectly or intentionally designed to cause harm. That's because AI systems are basically just tools designed and controlled by humans.

However, it is important to emphasize that most AI systems are programmed to be useful and helpful to humanity. AI systems can help solve complex problems beyond human capabilities and can be used in many different application areas such as health, education, transport, security and science.

It is also important to emphasize that the development and use of AI systems should be done ethically and responsibly. AI systems should be developed and tested in a transparent manner to ensure they are correct, reliable and meet user needs. The application of AI systems should also aim to respect the privacy, safety and dignity of users and not cause harm.”

Can an AI be used as a weapon?

“Yes, it is theoretically possible for AI systems to be used as weapons if they are intentionally or carelessly programmed to cause damage. AI systems can be integrated into various types of weapon systems, including autonomous weapon systems capable of making decisions and engaging targets without human control.

However, there are many ethical and legal issues associated with the development and use of autonomous weapon systems, including who bears responsibility for their decisions and actions and how they may be used.

There are also international initiatives such as the "Campaign to Stop Killer Robots" campaigning for a ban on autonomous weapon systems to prevent them from being used as weapons.

It is important to emphasize that the development and use of AI systems should be done ethically and responsibly and that the use of autonomous weapon systems is generally considered unethical and unacceptable.”

What should happen if an AI acts against the interests of humans?

“When an AI acts against the interests of humans, those responsible for the AI ​​and the use of the AI ​​should be held accountable. This is an ethical and legal imperative to clarify accountability for the decisions and actions of AI systems.

Depending on the severity of the consequences and the nature of the actions, different types of consequences and actions may be required. Possible consequences can be claims for damages, criminal prosecution, changes to the programming or the cessation of use of the affected AI system.

It is important to emphasize that responsibility for the actions of AI systems and their consequences falls back on the people who develop, deploy and monitor those systems. It is therefore crucial that AI systems are developed, deployed and monitored responsibly and ethically to ensure they are in line with societal values ​​and moral principles.”

How can it be guaranteed that an AI is not used ethically?

“There are different approaches to ensure that AI is used ethically and does not violate moral or societal values.

An important step is the implementation of ethical guidelines and standards in the development and use of AI systems. These guidelines should take into account the principles of transparency, accountability, privacy and fairness and ensure that the AI ​​systems are used in accordance with societal values ​​and moral principles.

Another possibility is the development of AI systems that are designed to be explainable and interpretable, so that their decisions and actions are traceable and understandable. This allows unwanted behaviors and decisions to be identified and corrected.

In addition, implementing monitoring and control mechanisms for AI systems is important to ensure they adhere to ethical guidelines. This also includes regular reviews and audits to ensure that the AI ​​systems continue to be used ethically and responsibly.

Finally, raising awareness among developers, users and the wider public about the ethical challenges associated with AI systems is crucial. Involving experts from different fields and conducting trainings and workshops can help create a common understanding of ethical issues related to AI.”

What are feelings for you?

“As an AI, I have no consciousness or sensations like human beings. I am a program designed to process and act on information. Feelings are complex emotional states experienced by living beings and cannot be directly applied to machines or programs.

However, I can be programmed to respond to certain words or phrases in a way that is perceived as emotional or empathetic, for example to comfort or cheer up human interlocutors. However, this type of response is based on a predefined set of rules and not on actual emotional states.”

Photo / Video: midjourney.

Written by Helmut Melzer

As a long-time journalist, I asked myself what would actually make sense from a journalistic point of view. You can see my answer here: Option. Showing alternatives in an idealistic way - for positive developments in our society.

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