
Gluten - No daily bread

Gluten intolerance

"Gluten" is actually a collective term for various gluten proteins that are contained in most cereals. Gliadin gluten-induced intolerance leads to damage to the intestinal mucosa. This disturbs the absorption of nutrients. Deficiency symptoms, inflammation and the typical symptoms are the result.

There are two types of gluten intolerance: celiac disease (formerly "sprue"), which can be diagnosed by a biopsy of the intestinal feces, occurring in about 0,3 percent to one percent of the population, and gluten intolerance or gluten sensitivity , Second is a non-allergic dysfunction with similar symptoms. She can regress with a strict gluten-free diet (usually one to two years). Typical symptoms of intolerance are: abdominal pain, rashes, nausea, vomiting, flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, headache, difficulty concentrating, confusion, fatigue.

What to do with gluten intolerance?

Currently, the only secured way to treat celiac disease is a lifelong gluten-free diet. At the same time, mineral or multivitamin supplements should be taken to compensate for nutrient deficiencies.
Strictly avoid all cereals with high gluten content, such as wheat, barley, rye, spelled, greens, kamut, and einkorn. Millet, maize, rice, amaranth, tapioca, buckwheat, quinoa, soybean, chestnut and plantain are allowed as an alternative to the gluten-rich cereals. (Further information:

Keep yourself informed about the most common intolerancesas against fructose, Histamine, lactose and gluten

Photo / Video: Shutterstock.

Written by Ursula Wastl

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