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For the first time, fewer wind turbines than in the previous year

Wind power is a cornerstone of the energy transition. However, due to the Corona Pandemic 2020, only eight new wind turbines can be built in Austria, reports the IG Windkraft. “However, nine wind turbines are being dismantled in a repowering project. For the first time in Austrian wind power history, there will be fewer wind turbines at the end of the year than in the previous year, ”said the advocacy group.

IG Windkraft recently published a detailed report on the details of wind power in Austria and where the journey will go from the point of view of the authors.Wind power Austria Outlook 2024“Summarized including numerous graphics.

Picture © ÖBf-Archiv / R. Leitner


Written by Karin Bornett

Freelance journalist and blogger in the Community option. Technology-loving Labrador smoking with a passion for village idyll and a soft spot for urban culture.

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