
Change - Editorial by Helmut Melzer

Helmut Melzer

Stepping back, stagnation, progress - Change, in my view, implies one thing above all else: the elementary need of man to improve his situation. But sometimes it is easier to lie on your lazy skin. There are many excuses for this: Fate, after all, the future is long since established. Or the idea that an individual can not do anything.

I believe that the future is the product of our actions in the present. Which in turn means that our present results from what we have done or omitted in the past. Are we satisfied with the results so far?

Despite all the frustration of what is going wrong in this world, there has been a lot of movement, especially in the last decade, with regard to ecological awareness raising. An idealistic, civil society force has awakened. Is everything changing for the better?
Cultural optimism is called the Enlightenment philosophy of Voltaire or Hegel. The latter was convinced that history goes hand in hand with a constant increase of reason.

In this sense, let us guide our hadeln in the presence of reason so that a desirable future can develop. Everyone can contribute, both on a small and a large scale. Even the right consumer behavior will lead to positive changes. What to strive for? For that matter, I hold it like Hegel: "The ideal is the real in its highest truth."

Photo / Video: Option.

Written by Helmut Melzer

As a long-time journalist, I asked myself what would actually make sense from a journalistic point of view. You can see my answer here: Option. Showing alternatives in an idealistic way - for positive developments in our society.

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