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Beet Wellington | Recipes for the climate Winter | vegan, seasonal, sustainable

Beet Wellington | Recipes for the climate Winter | vegan, seasonal, sustainable

Climate-friendly recipes for every season: Today's nutrition damages the climate more than traffic. Because too many meat and milk end up on the plates ...

Climate-friendly recipes for every season:
Today's diet is more damaging to the climate than traffic. Because there are too many meat and milk products on the plates, the production of which is responsible for the majority of the nutritional greenhouse gas emissions. In order to curb climate change, the consumption of animal products must be reduced. The just launched "Recipes for the Climate" by Greenpeace Switzerland and tibits show just how varied and tasty the plant nutrition is. Four to five additional cooking ideas are published each season. Vegan, seasonal and with environmentally friendly resource consumption.

All recipes can be found here:

Bed Wellington


For the sweet potato stick:
500 g sweet potato peeled
50 g soy drink
15 g noble yeast
30 g rapeseed oil
Salt, pepper and nutmeg

Bed Wellington:

3 tbsp olive oil

1 branch rosemary
1 branch sage
1 clove of garlic
1 onion (approx. 70 g)
200 g beetroot
100 g mushrooms
1/2 apple (approx. 100 g)

1 knife tip cinnamon
a pinch of nutmeg
3 tbsp salt
150 g bean paste
50 g cranberries
300 g puff pastry
30 ml of soymilk
500 g sweet potato stick


Sweet potato stick:
Cut the sweet potatoes into rough cubes
and cook gently in salt water. Subsequently
the still warm sweet potato through the passwite
leave or mash with a fork.
Add soy drink, noble yeast and rapeseed oil and
cook to a sweet potato stick. With salt,
Season the pepper and nutmeg to taste.

Bed Wellington:

Peel onions and garlic, chop finely,
wash the herbs briefly and also fine
chop. Heat the olive oil in a saucepan and
Onions, garlic, rosemary and sage
Steam over medium heat.
Cut the beetroot and apple into cubes, the mushrooms
cut into fine slices, add
and steam until there is almost no liquid
there is more. With salt, cinnamon and
Season the nutmeg. The bean paste and the
Add cranberries, mix everything well
and let the mass cool down.

Roll out the puff pastry and use the cold
Spread the sweet potato stick, an edge of
Leave 2 cm free. Then the roast mass
Put on the dough and roll up. The surface
spread the soy milk with a fork
pierce the surface.

In the preheated oven for about 40 minutes
bake until golden brown.
Let it cool briefly and
cut in regular tranches.

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Written by Option

Option is an idealistic, fully independent and global social media platform on sustainability and civil society, founded in 2014 by Helmut Melzer. Together we show positive alternatives in all areas and support meaningful innovations and forward-looking ideas - constructive-critical, optimistic, down to earth. The option community is dedicated exclusively to relevant news and documents the significant progress made by our society.

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