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Abuse of animals for human welfare

“I was a little monkey in the rainforest and was always with my family. As I grew up, I wanted to discover the world with my friends. So we left our families and explored the great jungle. We swung from vine to vine and climbed all kinds of trees.

A few years passed when I suddenly saw five monkey-like figures on the floor of our forest. They had a lot less fur than me and walked straight up without using their arms. Also, they didn't look like they were good at climbing, as their hands were much smaller than mine. I continued to think about the creatures and wondered what they might want in our beautiful rainforest. Suddenly I heard a noise above me and I found myself in a network. I tried to break free, but I was too weak. A short time later I was gone from one second to the other.

I slowly woke up in a very bright room. I looked around and was confused. I didn't know where I was, let alone where all of my friends were. After a few seconds, I realized I was in a cage. Suddenly there was a loud noise and three of these strange beings came through the entrance. They opened the cage, dragged me onto a table, and tied me up. I tried everything to free myself. They dripped liquids into my eyes and a short time later I saw almost nothing of our world. I felt something damp on my skin, it was creamy and soft, but after a few seconds it started to burn like hell. I continued to struggle, but I quickly realized that it was pointless. So I let it go. So hours went by with pain and at least twenty other fluids on my skin. Two of these monkey-like figures brought me back to the cage, completely exhausted, with wounds on my arms. Days and weeks passed with tests and experiments that were carried out on me. After a while I realized how bad I was actually. My fur was falling out, my skin was dried out and had many wounds and scars. I was thin like never before in my life. I knew that if something didn't change soon, I wouldn't live long.

A few days passed again when suddenly this noise, which always went on when these strange beings came through the entrance, rang out. I saw two more monkeys. They were caught in a net and placed in the cage next to me. '' Now there are three of us sitting in the cages, waiting to be rescued. I am glad that I am no longer alone, but I hope that I will soon be freed from this torment and see my family again.

Photo / Video: Shutterstock.

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Written by laura04

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