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Referendum for climate and animal welfare

Referendum for climate and animal welfare

"From the top is currently expected little, so it needs a motivation from below."

Harald Frey, Transport Researcher Vienna University on petitions for climate and animal welfare

"Although politicians have committed to climate goals, nothing happens. On the contrary. We are still expanding the transport infrastructure. "Harald Frey, traffic researcher at the Vienna University of Technology, makes it clear at the beginning of his speech why he came to the spa town on this Wednesday evening at the end of February for the" Asked "Green Pool. The 35 people are sitting at the marble tables in the foyer, eagerly awaiting what "being mobile" might look like in times of climate change or how it should not look like. Because, according to Harald Frey: "There are few areas in society where the distance between the actual state and where we should go is greater than in traffic." And: "There is little to be expected from above, that's why it needs motivation from below. "

Initiative for the climate

The traffic expert has been touring the country for twelve years in order to elucidate the relationships between transport infrastructure, settlement structure, lifestyle, human psyche and energy consumption. When he recognized these connections as a young scientist, he thought, "there will soon be something to do". But because until today still nothing has happened "from above" to reduce the motorized, based on fossil energy individual traffic, he has agreed to serve as patron for the air referendum be available in the field of mobility. Initiator of the referendum is Helga Krismer, Deputy Mayor in Baden and Klubobfrau the Greens in Lower Austria.

"I could not take it anymore," she says at the event, saying that too little is being done to achieve the climate goals, even though it has long been our survival. That's why she founded an association in autumn 2018, which leads the campaign for the climate change campaign. Why does a politician start a referendum? "Even a politician is a citizen and I feel that there is not enough government support in this matter," she says, "but to raise this 'child' climate change call it takes an entire village."

Climate change affects all areas of life, so the referendum is very broad. The topics will be mobile, energy, economics, consuming and wasting, teaching and training, local living, eating, living and building, (loading) taxes and displaced persons, because climate change also has an impact on flight movements. For these ten focus groups, Helga Krismer sought out patrons and women who sift through and summarized the claims that were submitted by the population online by mid-February. She has deliberately addressed people from different areas, says Helga Krismer. These include, for example, the Vorarlberg contractor Hubert Rhomberg, the architect Renate Hammer and the former UNHCR employee Kilian Kleinschmidt. At two climate conferences in March, which were open to all interested parties, the various aspects were discussed in detail. From this, the final demands for the climate change request are formulated. The collection of declarations of support will begin in the spring. At least 8.401 signatures are required to initiate a referendum.

To finance the campaign, 30.000 euros have already been raised via donations via Facebook. But that will not be enough, because it takes a lot of money to carry the message across the country. Volunteers are still wanted. Helga Krismer is pleased: "Among those who are already involved are many younger people, but also older ones who have grandchildren and may think that they themselves have contributed to climate change."

What brings a referendum?

But What can a referendum actually do? With him, the people can demand the treatment of a bill in the Nationalrat. In the registration procedure, 100.000 voters or one-sixth of the voters of three federal states must sign the referendum within one week. The National Council must then discuss the issue, but a direct impact on the legislation is not provided. Is that worth the effort of creating, chargeable sign-in, and a month-long expensive campaign?
Yes, says Helga Krismer, because: "There is no other instrument." She hopes that the climate change campaign will become a roof for many different climate protection initiatives and that many people, who have not been active anywhere, will get involved.

Animal Welfare: End suffering - from 7. May sign 2019

The latter also says the initiator of the Animal welfare referendum, Sebastian Bohrn-Mena was active in various fields of work, 2015 ran for the SPÖ in the state and local elections in Vienna and 2017 for the list Peter Pilz in the National Council election. He did not receive a mandate and became a member of the Mushroom Parliamentary Club Club and Area Spokesperson on Children's Rights and Animal Welfare. A rift with Peter Pilz ended this summer career 2018. At the end of November 2018, he announced that he would like to start a petition for animal welfare, to which he now fully dedicates himself as managing director.
The catalog of demands for animal welfare petition consists of 14 points from the areas of animal-friendly agriculture, public funds, transparency for consumers, dog and cat breeding and animal rights. The short description of the referendum reads: "To end animal suffering and promote alternatives, we require (constitutional) legal changes from the federal legislator. These should strengthen local farmers and have a positive effect on health, the environment and the climate and on the future of our children and grandchildren. "

Sebastian Bohrn-Mena's campaign was long-term: in early May 2019 he would like to introduce his support committee, signatures will be collected by the end of the year 2020 and the registration week will be held in the first half of the 2021. "By the end of 2020, we want to consciously strengthen dialogue and engage in conversation with people. We want to do hundreds of events for this, "says the initiator. Around 5.000 people from 1.000 communities have already registered and want to join. These are people who were not previously politically active, but now no longer want to watch.
Financing is also provided by the people: crowdfunding via StartNext has brought together 27.400 Euro.

Climate avalanche petition video

It's about our survival! Press conference by Helga Krismer and Madeleine Petrovic

In a press conference, initiator Helga Krismer talks to Madeleine Petrovic about the motives and details of the climate change request and why climate policy is so close to her heart.

Animal welfare referendums video

For an Austria that is exemplary in dealing with animals

We want a ban on animal agony, more transparency for consumers and the transformation into animal and environmentally friendly agriculture, from which our farmers can also live. That is possible. Through the targeted use of our tax money and through a series of measures that we propose to legislators in our program.

Photo / Video: Shutterstock.

Written by Sonja Bettel

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