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Today, February 20th, is WORLD SOCIAL JUSTICE DAY 

Although we are still a long way from it worldwide, SOCIAL JUSTICE is an absolute prerequisite for a “healthy” society worth living in. 

 Here are a few facts for you: 

World Day of Social Justice has been held annually on February 2009 since 20. Social justice is an ideal that almost all people aspire to. As long as issues such as hunger, poverty and the unfair distribution of social resources are not resolved, there will be no justice and no social peace.


Social justice describes that there should be good work, adequate living conditions, equal education and training opportunities and a performance-based distribution of income and assets for everyone.

There are four dimensions of social justice: Equality of opportunity, performance, needs and generations.


In general, there is talk of unfair distribution of wealth and unfair developments within societies as well as of "the gap between rich and poor". However, reality shows that this topic is more complex than one might expect at first glance.

Social inequality describes the fact that a group of people within a society have fewer specific resources and opportunities for realization than others. These resources can be monetary, such as income and wealth, or intangible, such as education, rights, influence, or prestige.

Most economists blame three independent developments for the increase in social inequality: technological progress, the politics of deregulation and the growing competition between developing industrial nations. .

THE 10 STEPS TO SOCIAL JUSTICE, described in the 2014 Oxfam Action Plan, are more relevant today than ever. 

These are as follows: 

1. Shaping politics in the interests of the population

2. Create equal opportunities for women 

3. Adjust income 

4. Spread the tax burden fairly 

5. Close international tax loopholes 

6. Achieve education for all 

7. Enforcing the right to health 

8. Abolish monopolies on the manufacture and pricing of medicines 

9. Create social networks, like basic social security

10. Realign development finance 

What is social justice for you?
What do you do to act socially justly? 

Source/More information:

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The “INITIATIVE2030 – live the goals”

....pursues two specific goals as a sustainability platform.

GOAL 1: To convey the real meaning of "sustainability" to the public in a comprehensible and compact way by communicating and disseminating the 17 global "Sustainable Development Goals" (SDGs for short), which were ratified by 2015 UN countries in 193 to bring closer. At the same time, the INITIATIVE2030 platform communicates the so-called 17 "Goals of the Good Life" (GLGs for short), which represent the realistic equivalent of the SDGs and are clearly compared with them. The GLGs, which are completely unknown to the general public, describe simple, sustainable action guidelines for people in their everyday lives to support the achievement of the SDGs. See:

GOAL 2: Every 1-2 months, one of the 17 SDG+GLGs will be the focus of attention on the INITIATIVE2030 platform. Based on these individual sustainability topics, best-practice examples from the initiative’s constantly growing organic community (currently around 170 partners) will be the focus. The partners (companies, projects, organizations, but also individuals) are presented in different formats on the INITIATIVE2030 website and also on social media. In this way, the actors of lived sustainability are to be brought in front of the curtain and successful "sustainability stories" are to be shared with one another via the social media channels of the INITIATIVE2030 (and also the partners!). See e.g.:

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