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October 1st is International Coffee Day….

☕ October 1st is International Coffee Day.

A pleasure not only on this day: a coffee with a good taste that connects people all over the world fairly!

🌍 In times of uncertainty, standing together is more important than ever. At FAIRTRADE we believe in the quality of coffee and quality of life for everyone.

💰 FAIRTRADE offers a minimum price that acts as a safety net in case the price falls in the coffee market. The coffee smallholder families receive an additional amount that they can invest in community projects or infrastructure.

👨‍🌾 We all play a role, whether it's the coffee we source as a business or the coffee we buy for our friends. We can all make fair choices.

💪 A better coffee blend isn't just about the taste, it's also about the impact on cohesion. This Saturday, International Coffee Day, celebrate with your favorite fair trade coffee!

🔗 More on this: content
▶️ Study proves the impact of FAIRTRADE: Kaffees-studie-beckt-impact-von-fairtrade-9395
#️⃣ #thefutureisfair #fairtradecoffee #fairtrade #fairerhandel #InternationalCoffeeDay #ICD
📸©️ Fairtrade International



Written by Fairtrade Austria

FAIRTRADE Austria has been promoting fair trade with farming families and employees on plantations in Africa, Asia and Latin America since 1993. He awards the FAIRTRADE seal in Austria.

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